Cyber Security: The Biggest, Baddest Hacks of 2013

thief_data_hacking_hacker_laptop_securityThose who study history help evade future mistakes.  While particular circumstances constantly change, big data pursuits unearth patterns and the ability to ‘see’ into the future.  In recent years, after the surge of Web popularity and consumerism therein, small owners and major brands experienced security threats, hacks waged by tech-savvy rogues.

While the act of influencing another’s structure or technical logistics is illegal, gaining knowledge of ‘how’ to do such helps owners, like self-defense, providing intelligence to protect them from harmful people and endeavors.  Below, read about some of the biggest and ugliest computer hacks of 2013.  Keep 2014 threat free.


The Obad virus is considerably sophisticated, targeting Android mobile owners, especially those with high-end or ‘busy’ accounts.  Those with many apps in operation, etc lack the vigilance to regularly detect threats.  Via ‘back door’ methods, hackers gain entrance sending text messages to users who are at greater risk to download further malicious software.


The Ploutus scheme targeted Spanish ATM machines in Mexico.  Using automated methods, hackers were able to ‘fool’ systems, unlawfully accruing cash.  At its inception, the nefarious quest was contained to Mexico, later finding way into American systems too.


Most consumer and owners think about online transactions regarding hacking, yet hackers gain entrance into systems remotely targeting elements related to offline point-of-sale systems.  Vendors swipe consumer cards, and then hackers gain numbers and sometimes general information related to them, maintained in a POS’ mainframe.

Cutwail Botnet

Imagine if traditional cyber threats found a mainstream supplier, sort of like an Amazon.  That way, brands may benefit from greater exposure and streamlined efforts.  Cutwail botnet is that to cyber threats like Zeus and Gameover.  The financial industry experiences the greatest current threat, yet analysts suspect botnet’s threats know no end.

Dexter Variants

Vendors appreciate the breadth of information contained in point-of-sales systems, allowing them to better target repeat and initial customers.  Therefore, hackers, gaining entryway, enjoy access to consumers’ credit card numbers as well as relevant information helping to complete illegal transactions.  Millions of US dollars were lost in South Africa regarding associated hacker efforts.


Gozi takes root in the financial sector, stealing related information of corporations and individuals.  Culprits have been apprehended and brought to justice, but related threats continue.  The virus targets the master system of IE users, gaining access to financial data.


Sazoora is an international hacking effort, including the locales of Switzerland, Austria, and Belgium.  Based primarily of phishing emails, nefarious elements rest dormant on a corporation or personal server for fifteen minutes, ensuing to wreak damage.

[tp lang=”en” only=”y”]Training[/tp][tp not_in=”en”]Training[/tp] is available to business owners and personalities who prefer knowledge over vulnerability.  Like martial arts, owners learn ways to protect themselves from harm.  Of course, like hurting someone out of the realm of self-defense, exacting hacking insights is illegal, but people benefit from ‘hacking history’ and those who provide additional guidance.

Seek outsourced tech services; read about previous hacking efforts; and, stay proactive in the fight against online threats and system compromises.

Guest article written by: Jamie Smith has a passion for computer science and how businesses can use it to their advantage. She often blogs about a number of computer topics such as technology training and social media usage.

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