Top 3 Reasons Industrial Plants Opt for Fanless Box PCs


Often the most fragile component in a PC is the cooling fan, and the majority of hardware problems can be attributed to a malfunction in this area. As the fan is the only moving component in a PC, it will usually require the most maintenance, and failing to notice a fan that has become stuck can result in the machine overheating and shutting down completely. Fanless box PCs offer a fantastic alternative to the traditional models and are often far more resilient. A fanless PC is also much quieter when turned on, and most home theatre PCs use this technology to allow for a completely silent operation. Fanless PCs offer many more advantages for commercial use, and this article looks at three reasons why they are the best choice for industrial plants.

They Require Less Maintenance

[tp lang=”en” only=”y”]Fanless box PCs[/tp][tp not_in=”en”]Fanless box PCs[/tp] are sealed units that do not include any moving parts whatsoever. Most feature a maintenance-free design that is intended for permanent operation without ever having to be serviced or cleaned. Traditional PCs need tobe regularly opened up and cleaned even when used in a home environment, so industrial use would require the unit to be cleaned at least every few months. Maintenance-free units will save a substantial amount of time and money in plants that utilise a large number of computers.

They Can Be Placed Almost Anywhere

Fanless PCs do not require the same amount of ventilation that conventional models use, so they can be installed virtually anywhere. Fanless PCs are also much smaller, and many units can be placed in close proximity to each other. As the majority of models are maintenance-free, there is no need to worry about maintenance access, so they can be installed in hard to reach places or even closed-off for years at a time.

They Are Protected From External Elements

Computers with a conventional fan system will also have a vent somewhere on the exterior case that allows the air to circulate, and this makes them extremely unsuitable for environments with a lot of dust and debris. The traditional models are also vulnerable to humidity and changes in temperature. Fanless box PCs are designed to be tough and withstand even the harshest conditions, and most models are encased in rugged aluminium covers designed to protect against dust, shock and vibration.

The majority of fanless PCs use passive conduction methods to cool their electrical components, but there are other alternatives available such as liquid cooling and thermoelectric devices. They function in much the same way as a regular PC but offer a far better solution for industrial users. Fanless technology has improved dramatically over the last few years, and many are able to run high-end processors successfully. When choosing a fanless PC for industrial use, it is important to check exactly what environment each model is intended for as they are designed to withstand varying amounts of heat or vibration. Most manufacturers will list the conditions that their product can withstand in their specifications, and selecting the right PC for your environment will ensure its continued operation for many years.

Guest article written by: Lewis Brooks has a passion for technology. He enjoys writing about innovations and trends on business tech blogs.

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