User experience involves the action that users experience when they interact with an organization or business through their website, apps or any other form of online communication. The experience includes everything the users see, hear and also their emotional reaction regarding the same. User experience has a direct effect on the success of the companies over the net. The successful companies continuously test various aspect of the business with the users to gage the level of their satisfaction. It has been observed, that with good user experience the online sales are enhanced and also the brand perception is improved. The search ranking of the site also increases with good user experience.
Shift of approach
To make a website stand out in the crowd, there are few attributes that you need to follow. Microscopic attention to different details can give an edge to your website. In comparison to the macro UX, the micro UX is in vogue now. Don Norman advocated the need of UX based on the need of the user. In the last few years, there has been a change in the web world and that has led to the shift from the traditional approach to that of Micro UX.
Reasons of the shift
There are few major changes in the behavior of the users and also in their using patterns that have contributed to this shift. Over the years, there has been an increase in the use of cheaper and better technologies for browsing the net. This is due to a surge in the use of tablets and smartphones. Another reason is the ease and the reduction in the price of the methods used for testing the product iterations. The tracking tools are also cheap now and these include online surveys, cursor trackers and eye tracking. The convergence of all these factors has led the designers to concentrate and experiment with the smaller features which are also known as microinteractions.
Areas of application
Micro UX works best in projects that are of low budgets. It is also applicable for products that do not have any fixed or distinct target audience. Another use of Micro UX approach is to refresh the digital presence of a brand. This is applicable for the companies that are already successful. If they want to make improvement, with a focus on user need, then they have to upgrade their existing digital product with this approach. Few of the big names have redesigned and made small adjustments and those have proved to be delightful for the users.
Improve interaction with the site
The Micro UX approach has been adopted by the best web design company. This is because the user experience is important for designing any website and you have to make sure that the intended message or the content is such that the users can understand it with ease. By utilizing their creative best, designers can achieve this change, with ease. Use of graphics, animations, image manipulations and transitions you can facilitate the interaction of your user with the site.
Know the latest designs
To know about the latest trends of Micro UX, you can go through a number of resources through the net. There are few principles that you need to consider while using this approach. The doctrines that guide this approach are prevention of any scope of human error, highlighting the data, creation of a long loop, reduce the instances of missing important data and most importantly should appeal the users. With these rules, you can make the sites memorable and attractive for the users. This approach is a boon to both the designer and the end user and the former can utilize different skill set like visual designing, coding and psychology to create a user friendly website.
Guest article written by: Kimberly Brooks works in the [tp lang=”en” only=”y”]best web design Company[/tp][tp not_in=”en”]best web design Company[/tp] and recommends the utilization of the Micro UX to improve the appeal of the website and also the experience of the user.