Using MongoDB and cloud back up to enhance your business efficiency

g-drive-external-backup-drive-storageInformation is one of your businesses biggest assets and you should organize and manipulate it in ways to benefit your business. Many small and medium enterprises generate a lot of information on a daily basis. This information includes information from customers, products and inventory records among others. Automating this information is just one-step towards improving business efficiency. There is still so much more you can do to make sure you get the best out of this information:


Mango DB is database management software that you can integrate into your business operations. Whether you have two or three computers or an entire network of them, you need to create a proper data protocol that ensures logging and storing for reference all the data exchanged between these computers and others outside your business. You can later analyze this information to determine business trends, product movement, customer preferences and other analytics results.
The database management software has quite a number of features that are necessary in order to ensure quality information flow and analysis:

Use minimal number or documents

There is nothing as hard to maintain and manipulate as bulky information. Grouping multiple features that relate into documents reduces the amount of clutter that you need to wade through when you decide to analyze your data.

Ad hoc queries

Swift data retrieval is a necessary part of database management. The information placed in the database should be retrievable in a quick and convenient way. This is only possible when you can make ad hoc queries such as search by field to return specific document fields.


Creating more than one copy of your data is the best way to ensure you have a backup in case of any data damage or loss. The software should be able to create replica sets that can act the role of the primary data at any time in case of any loss. This build in replication system ensures that the secondary data fills the space of primary data in case of failure.

File storage

Storing your database in well-organized filing systems is much easier with automated data. Human error is quite common and can be the cause of huge losses for your business. Digital data also takes up very little storage space.

Cloud backup

Once you have created an impeccable database, you still need to backup this data. Backing up data is advisable against any digital or physical damage that may come to your computers. Cloud Backup Robot is a great solution for backing up your databases and information in on-site and offsite storage locations.

Cloud Backup Robot is a full proof protection against destructive programs that may attack your computer including viruses and malware. System crushes are also quite common since computer hardware can also fail. Backup your information on a password-protected cloud that encrypts your data for storage in order to prevent access by third parties who do not have authorization to access it.

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