Technology and Caves?

technologyAccording to the experts, there are some very good reasons to limit the type and amount of tech your kids can have. However, no one suggests any such limitations for single men. And that is a very good thing. That is because the modern man cave is full of the latest tech.

You have to choose your tech carefully. As a bachelor, you probably won’t be single forever. So make sure you have the kind of tech that makes your life that much cooler, but that will also play well when your potential mate comes around. Here is the tech you should be checking out for your den:

A fully loaded TV

We’ve had televisions for so long, we forget they represent some pretty amazing technology. A great TV is a lot more than a giant screen. It is also resolution, brightness, contrast, color accuracy, and whatever you do, don’t forget the sound.

But when it comes right down to it, what makes a great TV is the content you have to watch at any given moment. It is all about whether or not you can press a button and see the game you really want to see, when you want to see it, in the best resolution available.

It is about having TV shows and movies on demand, and never having to wonder if there is anything on worth watching. You can click for more information to see if you have the best content package around, specifically in regard to NFL Sunday Ticket. You don’t have much of a man cave without it

Smart home appliances

Real men turn on their lights in the morning just by telling them to turn on. They don’t have to crawl out of bed and fumble for a light switch like an animal. But in order for real men to pull off this amazing feat, they are going to need a few smart home appliances. Perhaps you’ve heard about the Internet of things (IoT). Smart light bulbs are just one of those things. For some reason, we automatically assume that if a thing is connected to the Internet, it must be smart.

No matter. What you will need is a smartphone. Of course, you already sleep with an iPhone or Android plugged in next to you at night. If you have an iPhone, you will want to make sure you have smart bulbs that are Home Kit compatible. Once you have everything set up, it is just a matter of speaking your wishes into the air. Since “Let there be light!” has already been taken, you will probably want to say something like, “Hey Siri, turn on the bedroom lamp.” You should get the same result as the biblical demand. This review will point you to an inexpensive smart plug if you don’t want to spring for a $200 light kit.

A High-End Router

We sometimes forget that high-speed Internet means nothing without a thoroughly modern, completely tricked-out, bleeding edge router. That is the box that sends the Internet connection over the air so that you can remain wireless while you stay connected to the rest of the world. You’ve got the smart TV, the laptop, the iPad, the smartphone, the printer, and 4 other boxes that need a connection to the Internet.

Some of them are 80211-b, g, n, 2.4GH, 5GH, and various other combinations of futuristic tech. Google has even decided to get into the game to make sure you have yet another reason to give them $200 of your hard-earned money. This time, they might actually be offering something worth that consideration.

The best thing about this man cave tech is that when your bachelor days are over, all that tech will still be useful in the next phase of your life.

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