If you’re about to begin your search for a web designer, or a web design company, here are some tips that will help you filter out the terrible ones and find the best.

Art is subjective. Web design is not subjective. There is no “different way” to view the work of a poor or low quality web designer to find its inner beauty.
You don’t want to waste your time on a poor web design that isn’t gonna yield you the returns you want for your business.
So Why Do Some People still Fall for The Not-so-Good Designers?
There are a number of red flags which will alert you to the fact that the web designer you may be considering is not good enough, and will likely cause a lot more heartache than online success.
But before we begin to walk down this road, our journey begins with you.
What is it about these web designers that make us choose them in the first place? Short answer; a whole lot of hope, the feeling we don’t have a lot of budget and we don’t deserve “the best”, and a thick set of rose coloured glasses.
Let’s break these psychological factors down real quick; hope is a beggar, budget requirements are tailored around your needs, and “best” is an illusion.
There are only web companies that suit your business goals, and those that do not. Some more succinctly fit those needs than others.
Tight on budget? If money is tight, you are going to spend a lot more than you bargained for by settling for someone you found in the sub $1000 category. The only thing worse than having $1000 for a website design is having $0 returns after.
If you want quality web design in Sydney, you have to look at it at a practical perspective and not settle for numerous compromises. The truth is, a romantic view will only prevent you from finding the right fit.
An inexperienced or bad web designer will likely not do much for putting you in front of prospective clients. Your options: Try to “paint to a number” with a web designer you trust; functionality can be phased in over time. Focus on the parts of your website design that will turn over a profit the fastest so you can roll that profit into the further construction of your website. It’s called a “minimum viable product”. Google it, don’t just take our word on it. An MVP can save you a lot of heartache down the line.
Ok, now that our pep talk is over, let’s look at the signs that will help you determine whether you are working with a good web designer or not. If you have anything to add, we would love to hear from you in the comments.
How to Make Sure you Get the Best Designer
1. Don’t hire someone who charges less than $1000.
Yes, I am a web designer, no I am not being biased. You get what you pay for; I’d strongly suggest exploring web design market rates. If your prospective web designer is charging an inordinate amount lower than the going rate for something, would you trust it? Maybe a better question to ask so we can move on; why is cafeteria food so darned cheap? Now you’re getting it.
If you’re looking for reliable web designers you can go for Quikclicks. Visit them online to find out how to get a website that suits your needs –and budget.
2. Their design only uses elements that serve a purpose.
A bad designer might use those faceless little white clay men or the “headset hottie” –much like those old mail order ads at the back of your Marvel Comics when you were a kid. It’s poor logic; these images don’t do them any favours, so how are they going to make choices that help you convert your own clients?
A good web designer should be able to defend every element they place on a page. Each has to serve a purpose aligned with your site’s goals. If they can’t, it’s all fluff. You don’t want fluff on your site.
3. They should offer copywriting services.
Content is the number one reason for website launch delays. Your prospective web designer should at least offer copywriting services together with their existing package. Every great web designer who has been in the game long enough to know how important this is.
4. They’re not your relative.
This one is a non-starter; see #1 –the same reasoning applies. A web designer should probably be a professional first, friend, or family member second. Otherwise your experience will likely be compromise after compromise.
5. They ask you questions.
They nod their head a lot waiting for their turn to speak, because they’re only going to do for you what they do for everyone –the exact same thing. Every business need is different; you want a designer who will deliver a tailored solution to those needs. They should be able to discuss with you what exactly they’re going to do in a scope of work. If not, they’ll probably only use the same thing they did to other businesses.
In Conclusion
We’ve just scraped the surface of this glacier, but these are the top five ways to know that you are getting the best and not just an average designer. What do you think; anything to add? Let us know below!