Easy ways of converting your big Texas home into a smart home

Converting your Texas home into a smart home will not only increase the value of your home for future listing in the real estate market, but also give you an opportunity to enjoy the conveniences that come with a smart home. With the rapid advancements in technology, you should consider joining the tech-savvy homeowners who have advanced from just using smartphones to living in smart homes.

There are several benefits of converting your home into a smart home such as keeping a watchful eye on your property while you’re away and the convenience of operating appliances in your home by using a smartphone or tablet. When you automate your vacation home or rental house, you’ll attract more customers, especially the millennials who are more inclined into the Internet of Things (IoT), rather than the conventional ways of living. Sometimes, converting your home into a smart home may involve moving a few household items like furniture to a temporary store. If you are in the San Antonio area, a San Antonio moving company can handle your moving needs as you focus on giving your home a face lift. Here is a list of devices and ways of turning your Texas home into a smart home.


A Wi-Fi enabled plug is one of the easiest ways of creating a smart home. The plug will allow you to control kitchen appliances, televisions, and thermostats among other devices from outside the home. You don’t have to be in your home to control appliances that you probably forgot to switch off or deactivate.


There several lighting options in the market today that most home owners are often spoiled for choice. With Wi-Fi controlled LED bulbs, you may have to pay a little more as compared to your conventional lighting fixtures, but the convenience is remarkable. You can even set your lights to fade down at particular hours of the night when you won’t need them, and thus save on utility bills. You can also use them as timer switch to schedule your days.


Heating timers can come in handy for people who operate on predictable schedules. You can control the heating in your home by using a mobile app on your smartphone or just send a text to the system with commands on what you want. There are certain devices that can allow you to control even the heating in of your home whenever necessary. You can also control the heating for downstairs and upstairs if your heating is zoned.

Unless you understand how thermostats work, you should let a professional install it and help you out with the various settings. Moreover, you don’t have to bust through walls because you can find wireless thermostats in the market. Some brands come with thermostats, which have the capability to sense the outside temperature and control your heating duration accordingly. And, once it learns your heating intervals, it will switch on at certain times without you controlling it.


You don’t to stand the irritating beep that comes from your smoke alarm when the battery starts running low anymore. The smart alarm can differentiate between ‘fire bad” and “dinner ready” and can give you a softer warning before emitting the blaring alerts. A soft voice will alert you that a fire has been detected and your mobile app will let you know of the problem. You can then silence the smart alarm or investigate the issue.

Interestingly, when you buy a smart alarm from one manufacturer like Nest, It’ll hook to other smart devices in your home such as thermostats or security cameras for easier and faster controlling. With security cameras, you can watch your home and get alerts in case of any unauthorized intrusions or burglaries. This is very important for homeowners who have vacation homes that they rarely visit and are on large empty fields.

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