10 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Digital Marketing

Digital marketing allows you to leverage the numerous digital channels to target and reach prospective customers. As people spend more time online, particularly on their Smartphones, it is important that you or your online marketing company-agency is effectively marketing your business. And if you are falling behind, your competitors are probably moving forward.

What does this all mean? You should constantly be reviewing your digital marketing strategy for this ever-changing world. Here are 10 things your competitors can teach you about digital marketing.

You need a mobile first strategy

Users today want to do everything on their phones. They want to be able to browse for products, read recommendations and make a purchase. All without ever having to get on a desktop.

We all know websites should be responsive and mobile friendly, but even more than that your site should be created with a mobile-first mindset.

Create awesome content

You need to provide helpful information that will benefit your customers. This is content marketing. The goal isn’t to be ‘salesy,’ but to be valuable.

And with good content, those potential customers are more likely to turn in to actual- and recurring- customers.

Online video is key

Videos are more popular than ever. And video content is more important than ever. Regardless of what you are selling, a video should be part of your strategy.

Today, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. And YouTube videos show up in Google search results. One tip for a good video is to make sure it’s at least five minutes. Your videos should be engaging and relevant to the user.

Always have a call to action

Every piece of content you produce needs a call to action that tells your clients what they need to do next.

Is it watching a video? Maybe download a whitepaper or case study. Or signup for an email. Having great content on your website is great. But you need to give potential clients the opportunity to take some actions. Otherwise, they likely bounce from your website without ever making a purchase.

Interact with your customers

When potential clients ask a question on social media, they expect an answer. Make sure your digital marketing strategy including responding to inquiries you will receive. This is easy to do, but something we often overlook.

Stay up to date with social media changes

Everyone knows they need to be on social media. But you can’t just set it and forget it.

The trick is staying up to date with the latest algorithms or changes that will impact your work. And constantly being ready to implement those changes.

Monitor your campaigns

The great thing about digital marketing is how easy it is to monitor every campaign your run.

You shouldn’t be afraid to pull the plug on a campaign that is performing poorly. There is no need to waste money. Make sure your campaigns are working as planned. And if they’re not, move on.

SEO optimization is still impactful

Search engine optimization has been a powerful digital marketing strategy for some time. And while SEO is constantly changing, it is still impactful for local search seo as well.

Your goal should always be to be at the top of search results for relevant keywords. That means you need to make sure you have an effective e and current SEO strategy in place.

Utilize marketing automation

Marketing automation allows you to automate many of your marketing actions. This might be a lead nurturing campaign with potential clients or a campaign targeting past clients.

You can automate not just emails, but social media and website actions.

Invest in paid per click advertising

When we think of paid per clicking advertising, we generally think of Google Adwords. Investing in pay per click advertising will help you make sure your content shows up where you want it to.

And make sure those keywords include your competitors.
By following these ten steps, your digital marketing campaign will be off to a great start.

Guest article written by: Brett is professional blogger & digital marketer. He has expertise in writing topics related to Digital Marketing. His interests include traveling, Technical writing & photography.

1 thought on “10 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Digital Marketing”

  1. Hello
    To get success in digital marketing is a little bit hard task and there are many things to do to get better results. The tips provided in this post are very effective to boost digital marketing.

    As we all know that the number of mobile users and searches are growing tremendously. So, as a website owner we need to make an effort to make mobile responsive site.

    I like the idea about online video. I think people want to learn something from visual content rather than plain text. So, we should provide visual content to the site visitors.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great day ahead.
    Praveen verma


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