Why You Should Use Chatbots in Your

E-commerce Store

Why use chatbots in an e-commerce store? The use of chatbots, which are primarily used for customer support, has become a trend in the e-commerce industry over the years. Studies show that by 2020, 85% of all customer interactions will be handled without the intervention of humans.       

What is a chatbot? 

A chatbot is a computer program that simulates human behavior, and it is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. The chatbot technology uses natural language processing in order to offer conversations between your business or brand and your consumers.

Benefits of Using Chabots in Your E-commerce Store    

  • Simulate interactions with customers

A chatbot executes various processes in the e-commerce industry, such as customer support, marketing, shopping carts, providing recommendations, and a whole lot more. They can be customized according to your business needs.       

Interaction with customers is the most important function that chatbots perform in the e-commerce industry. Chatbots can’t exactly copy the human voice, and they might have some grammatical errors every now and then, but they prove to be competent in the industry.

Remember that the key to selling your products and services to prospective clients or customers is by engaging with them first before anything else. Using chatbots to make the conversations between your business and your customers is an excellent way of making your customers feel like they are valued and are an integral part of your business. 

  • Improve customers’ satisfaction 

A lot of consumers prefer reaching customer service by chat instead of making calls or sending emails because it saves a lot of time, and they usually get a quicker response. Using chatbots eliminates the extra steps that customers have to go through to reach the customer support department, which naturally improves customer satisfaction, and also decrease the number of disputes with customers (you can use third-party services to resolve those as quickly as possible, read this Purchase Guard review to learn how it works).                 

People rely on messenger apps to keep in touch with their friends and family because of their convenience. Many brands have developed chatbots that can interact with customers in a similar way as to how they interact with other people. Using AI technology, chatbots can make the conversation more personalized.    

Aside from the customer support that chatbots offer, clients tend to be more satisfied when chatbots make the payment process simpler and more convenient, by providing steps to ensure a secure connection, and also when they provide a follow-up, especially for abandoned cart instances.    

  • Increase conversions

Chatbots are a significant factor in increasing conversions. Aside from saving a lot of time contacting customer support, they also allow customers to keep track of their orders and ask for suggestions or recommendations.  

Chatbots make the whole process lighter, more user-friendly, and more convenient for consumers, which in return share their good experience with others, and by that invite more people to check the online stores they bought from.   

  • 24/7 customer support

Chatbots are available 24/7, which has a great impact on the business. Most customers who leave comments or personal messages on an e-commerce site usually expect an answer within 24 hours. If you fail to reply to them, then you lose customers.  

 Chatbots can understand the intent of a users’ messages or comments, and based on that they can immediately provide accurate answers. This is also an advantage for e-commerce businesses because the discussions between the chatbots and the customers can be a good source of lead generation.  

 Chatbots are sure to stay in the e-commerce industry, especially once many businesses shift towards mobile commerce, a process which probably won’t take too long.      

3 thoughts on “Why You Should Use Chatbots in Your”

  1. Nice blog..! I really loved reading through this article. Thanks for sharing such a helpful post with us and keep blogging…

  2. It’s most wonderful tips inside this article. It’s very good explain about good information and i really utilise this kind of tacts. Thanks for this good and great article.

  3. Chat-bots can save lot of time and effort. It makes your customer service seemingly easy and efficient.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day.


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