During the process of creating a website or web application, one of the most important steps is to ensure that it is fully operational, and anyone who visits the site shall get a good experience no matter what browser or device they are using to view it.
Even if the name “cross-browser web testing” mainly implies that it is testing on multiple browsers, the truth is it is actually a combination of testing on numerous platforms, OS, browsers and devices.
Note that each browser has its own language and style; therefore it sees the website code slightly differently. The designer and coder must do what they can to ensure that all the browsers interpret it in the same way so that the end user will enjoy their browsing experience on that site, irrespective of the browser or device they are using.
Browsers that are widely used include Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, UC Browser, Opera, Safari, and Android Default Browser. Depending on where you are in the world, the usage and market share of these various browsers may differ. For those who are creating a website or web app, they need to make sure that most, if not all, of these browsers are supported.
Furthermore, once you have created a site, you hope for the best that it works seamlessly for most browsers, but it only takes a single bug to wreak havoc on your company’s revenue and reputation. Cross-browser web testing is the answer to achieving a smooth user experience and zero unsatisfied users.
Currently there are lots of browsers these days, and each one of them has multiple versions. With every new version released on that browser, it becomes hard to check if your website is supported on that particular newer version. This is where a cross-browser web tester, like Comparium, comes in handy.
Comparium is a useful web application that provides users a quick and easy way to test their website. All they have to do is visit the Comparium app, submit the website URL they want to have tested, and voila – check the results! Screenshots of your web page design will also be made available for your reference. With Comparium, you get the extreme convenience of being able to check your website’s browser compatibility within just a few minutes.
With the help of the first version of Comparium, you can conduct web browsing testing on various OS and browsers of your choice – absolutely for free! Supported browsers include Google Chrome 73.0, 74.0, 75.0, Mozilla Firefox 67.0, 68.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, 11.0 and Safari 11.0. Comparium supports cross-browser testing on operating systems including Mac OS X Mojave, Windows 10, 7, High Sierra and Linux. Thanks to Comparium, you can check your website’s browser compatibility on any platform and across different web browsers.

You can even request for an offline report of your site’s test results via email. Simply leave your email and the URL that you need to have tested. Comparium does it all for you. You don’t even have to spend precious time waiting for the screenshots to be taken and displayed on the page. A set of screenshots will be automatically sent to the email you indicate.
If you are looking for a way to test your website’s appearance and performance on various browsers and operating systems, then give Comparium a go.
Overall, the importance of cross-browser web testing is simple – to make it easier to reduce the time to bring your website’s service or product to the client and everybody visiting the site shall enjoy the experience regardless of the device or browser they are using.