Cybersecurity checklist for remote workers

In the past, there were only a few companies that believed that productivity doesn’t get affected even if you work from home and we used to call that work freelance work even if they were registered as a proper company but people never gave much value to their work. After the COVID pandemic, everything changed. Companies who used to believe that working from home affects productivity and motivation were forced to allow their employees to work from home, and they were doing pretty fine.

COVID-19 has a great impact on our lifestyles. It has not just changed the way we used to work, it has changed our whole lifestyle. Everything changed from people going out to concerts and events to sitting all the time at home and students who used to get an education via the traditional education system are now shifting to the virtual education system. People have started working remotely because of the rise of COVID cases and now many companies offer work from home. This shift was never easy as it required a lot of things that were needed to be considered before this decision was made. Even now when the COVID situation is almost over, many companies are offering work from home facilities to their employees because they have figured out that it doesn’t affect productivity, instead, we have seen the companies grow in the COVID pandemic and so they keep offering their employees to work remotely. This will not just lessen their expenses but they will also be saving a lot on the resources.

Cybersecurity has been a serious concern for so long and it became an even serious problem for companies when their employees were working from their homes. More than 60% of Americans have been victimized by cybercrime and these numbers are increasing every day because people don’t take cyber offenses seriously. If you are working from home, the most important thing which you need to consider is to make your device or your computing system secure from these threats.

There are many things which you need to consider if you are planning to work from home or if your office has shifted to work remotely. You need to make sure that you take care of all the security concerns that can affect your personal data and your sensitive information. The following are some of the precautions that you should take if you are planning to work from home.

Getting a secured internet connection

Getting a secured internet connection is the first thing that you need to get if you are planning to work remotely. There are many internet service providers in America, which are providing amazing internet services to their customers but they don’t offer internet security to their customers. Usually, people don’t even care about internet security as they are not aware of cybercrimes till they become a victim themselves.

Better to be safe than sorry so, before you become a victim of cybercrime, make sure you take all the precautions, which you can from your end. When you work from the office, the IT specialists take care of all the threats and they manage the operating system of office computers in a way that cannot be hacked by hackers or cybercriminals. But when you work from home on your own device, you need to make sure to take all the precautions yourself.

While getting an internet connection, always ask your internet service provider about the internet security and whether they offer internet security along with their internet services or not. If they offer internet security along with reliable internet services, go for that internet service provider. There are many internet service providers, which offer internet security along with their internet packages. You can get internet security from these providers in order to secure your devices from cyberattacks. Visit to find out more about the features and offers you get with one of the biggest internet providers Optimum.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Using a virtual private network is very important if you are working from home and your device or computing system has sensitive data which you cannot afford to lose. When you use a virtual private network, your IP address would be encrypted and the hackers or cybercriminals won’t be able to trace your IP address. If you won’t use VPN, it would be easy for the hacker to access your device and then get to your personal data and sensitive information.

Your personal data can be used for multiple purposes and so does your company’s, your company’s secrets, or your personal information can be leaked which can result in a big loss. To keep your device or computing systems protected, always use VPN before you connect your device to the internet

If by any chance you are out and you have an urgent meeting and you feel the need to connect your device to public Wi-Fi, don’t even think about it. Connecting your device to public Wi-Fi without using VPN can be devastating as public Wi-Fi is the most unsecured internet connection and the chances of getting your device hacked will be more than ever.

Always make backup

If your device or the computing system gets hacked, the most frustrating thing would be you losing your important data because you haven’t made a backup of sensitive and important data. Make sure that you always make a backup of your important data, that is saved on physical or cloud storage devices. This way even if your device is hacked or wiped clean, you will have your data with you.

Beware of malware and phishing attacks

When your devices are hacked by cybercriminals, most of the time, it all happens because of human errors. The main reason is that we don’t take cybersecurity seriously, and then regret it later. You should be aware of phishing attacks. There are different ways through which your devices can be hacked and one of those ways is sending phishing emails and links.

Make sure that you never open the emails or you never click on those links, which you are not aware of as that can result in a data breach. If you get such emails or links often, report that to your IT team and they will take care of that.

Final words

Cybersecurity is a serious concern if you are going to work remotely as most probably you will have sensitive information stored on your device or computing system. Make sure you take all the security precautions, the likes of which are mentioned above to keep your and your company’s data protected from hackers and cybercriminals. We should take security precautions all the time even if we are using the internet for just random stuff, as it is a serious concern.

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