A Guide to Protecting Work Technology from Viruses & Malware

Picture from Unsplash 

Work technology is essential to our everyday lives, with much of it being an extension of what we do in our personal lives. With the constant increase in the availability of personal data, security has become an even more important topic. And while it’s all too easy to go to work one day and find that the computer has been compromised, there are several things you can do to avoid this. So whether you work from home or inside the office, here are ways to protect your work technology from viruses and malware.

1. Use a Different Password for Every Website

Using different passwords helps you stay secure and prevents your work username and password from being used for anything malicious. You may be tempted to use the same password for all your accounts, but this is a huge security risk. Using one generic password also means you’ll have to remember every single one of them, which can be very difficult. Using a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters with passwords would be best. It’s also important to avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

2. Update Your Operating System and Antivirus Software Regularly

To prevent security threats, you should keep your operating system and antivirus software up-to-date. Your operating system may already have a patch for any vulnerabilities you know about, but it will not protect you from the ones you don’t know about. Updating your software regularly also gives you a head start on any new security threats and allows you to identify identified security threats so they can be fixed. 

3. Be Careful About What You Download

You should be wary about downloading files from internet pop-ups or emails that you are not expecting. It’s also a good idea to avoid downloading torrents, as viruses can be hidden in files that are embedded in torrents. If a file is attached to an email, you should scan it for viruses before opening it. Tscm services have an up-to-date report on what kind of viruses are common in what country and what they do.

4. Watch for Unusual Activity on Your Computer

Checking your computer regularly for unusual activity is essential to staying safe from viruses and malware. You should regularly check for anything out of the ordinary, like files being created that you did not create yourself, programs that start up without you opening them, or an increase in the number of spam emails you receive. If you ever think your business computers have been breached you can always look into tscm services to help inspect your WiFi to see if it has been hacked. 

5. Keep Your Antivirus Software Up-to-date

Antivirus software is the first defense against viruses. If your antivirus software is up-to-date, it can detect and remove any threat before it causes too much damage. It is a good idea to run your antivirus software at least once a week to identify and remove any threats the program may have missed.

6. Use File Sharing Services Wisely

Several file-sharing services available online allow you to find files quickly. However, it is much more difficult to find out what kind of content is hidden in the files. You should use file-sharing services with caution and only download files you trust and are sure aren’t harboring viruses or malware.

7. Scan Your Hard Drive Regularly

It’s important to regularly scan your hard drive for any old data that may be hiding in it. This can include passwords, bank account numbers, and other sensitive information. If you have a good virus scanner, you should run it at least once every couple of months to catch any threats lurking on your computer’s hard drive for a while.

8. Dispose of Old Computers Carefully

Old computers can contain much personal information stored on them, so it’s essential to dispose of them carefully. Ensure you wipe your hard drive before disposing of the computer or laptop to prevent any sensitive information from being left behind. With extra care, you can ensure that you and your company are protected from viruses, malware, and identity theft.


Most people do not know how dangerous viruses and malware can be and might think that viruses only affect their computers. However, viruses can affect people in much more serious ways than that. One way is by stealing a user’s identity, which can then be used to steal money from their bank account or credit card account. Protecting your work technology from viruses and malware is important so that you do not have to worry about an identity thief stealing your personal data. Updating your operating system and antivirus software regularly will ensure that your computers are always protected.

Guest article written by: Sheryl Wright is a freelance writer who specializes in digital marketing, inclusive business, and interior design. If she is not at home reading, she is at a farmers market or climbing in the Rockies. She currently lives in Nashville, TN, with her cat, Saturn.

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