Yaro Starak, my favorite Internet Guru and the guy behind membership sites such as Become A Blogger, Blog Mastermind and Membership Site Mastermind, is soon re-opening the doors for the last time in 2009 to his Membership Site Mastermind program.
The last time Membership Site Mastermind took in new students was in May 2009, so you’ll only have around two chances a year to join this program (as well as the other two programs he’s currently offering).
Yaro and his partner Gideon Shalwick just finished teaching the students who signed up in May and will therefor be taking in new students when the doors open October 27th – for just three days (that’s all it takes to fill the spots).
I’m currently a member of the Become A Blogger program which I’m fully enjoying and my regular readers will have seen me mention this program more than once in the past – and there’s a reason for that 🙂 Becoming a blogger is more than just a one-click WordPress blog setup and start publishing content. Well, I guess you could call yourself a blogger by then, but wouldn’t you like to eventually monetize your blog and make a decent income from your blog?
Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick usually hosts two conference calls a month where students of any of the three programs will be able to listen in and ask any blogging questions they might have, and they will be answered by Yaro and Gideon. Listening in on those calls or downloading the podcast later on (available for subscribers only), is a great resource for blogging inspiration, motivation and tips & tricks.
Membership Site Mastermind is for bloggers, site owners or Internet entrepreneurs who wants to set up a membership site and make an income from subscribers. Is that you?
I suggest that you download the free Membership Site Masterplan report before the doors open on October 27th. It’s stuffed with great content so you will need a little bit of time to get through it – it will also help you make up your mind about joining The Membership Site Mastermind program when it opens later this month.
Click here to download the free Membership Site Masterplan report by the Aussie with the funny looking hair 🙂

Yaro Stark is really innovative guy.He is handsome earner on the internet planet.
His Blog Master Mind eBook is really rocking on the earth.
Really wonderful man.
.-= Surender Sharma´s last blog ..AdsenseReady V1.2 Free WordPress Theme Released =-.
Become A Blogger and The Mastermind program sounds great.
It sounds like you are enjoying your current program too.
.-= Johnluffa´s last blog ..Did Blog World Leave You Behind? =-.
I sure do – I’m learning a lot from the Become A Blogger program 🙂
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Woopra – Live Visitor Statistics For Your Blog =-.