I’m not that famous (if any!), let’s just clear that bit up before we go any further
Never the less, I was invited to do an interview with Famous Bloggers Club which of course I was happy to do and by doing so, I have joined the ranks of bloggers such as Extreme John, Chris Garrett, Greg Ellison, Ching Ya, Doug Dillard, Christie, Mitch M., Karen Woodham and so many other cool bloggers that I couldn’t possibly list them all – so just head on over to Famous Bloggers Club if you want to read all their interviews.
This was the first interview I’ve ever done (in my blogging career) so I’m of course both excited and honored to have become one of the (soon to be) 100 bloggers in this club. It’s “invite only” and each blogger can only recommend one other blogger for an invitation, so you might have to make friends with potential future members of Famous Bloggers Club – or the man behind the club – if you want to be a part of it
Feel free to check out my FBC interview if you haven’t done so already, and you’re more than welcome to retweet it if you like, that would be appreciated
Later this week I’ll be the one doing the interviewing (my first one!) as I’ve set up an interview with Ryan from the LovingTech.net WebMaster Forum, great guy and great forum (which I will also be reviewing in the interview) – if you just can’t wait to get your hands dirty and dig in to all the threads, you can join the forum already today (it’s free, but you probably already knew that).
Very good review Klaus, I am really glad you became a member of FBC100! Thank you for linking to other members!
.-= Hesham´s last blog ..What is the Feature of Famous Bloggers Club FBC100 =-.
Thanks Hesham and thanks for the opportunity to join FBC100 as well.
Never heard about FBC100 untill I read your blog. Sounds like it’s a great club. Happy to hear that you’re in the game now.
.-= Benjamin Cip´s last blog ..How To Get Targeted Traffic =-.
Thanks for the mention and link to my interview! I Stumbled and RT yours yesterday morning.
.-= christie´s last blog ..Gut feelings =-.
I was just being interviewed too and looking forward to see it published on their site soon
Guess I’ll be joining you in the club!
.-= Michael Aulia´s last blog ..9/9/9 – anything exciting? =-.
@Benjamin, I hope to see you in there too some day
@Christie, Thanks for stumble and RT. Unfortunately it still only has 2 RT’s so I hope a few more people would like to retweet it
@Michael, Splendid – I’ll be seeing you “inside” then!
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Winmail.dat Fix: Letter Opener 3 For Apple Mail & Snow Leopard Released =-.
Just in case anyone out there missed my tweet yesterday, I just did it again. What a good friend I am.
Yes you are and thank you very much – I can use all the tweets in the world
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Google’s UFO Logo Explained – “All Your O Are Belong To Us” =-.
Well, look at you all famous and sh*t now, haha, just kidding. Congratulations. Soon you will be one of the gurus out there making all the big bucks.
.-= Jason´s last blog ..What is going on with WordPress? =-.
Thanks Jason – well, we’ll just have to see about that in the future, regarding big bucks
Excellent, also that forum looks amazing, I have joined
I hope your blogger club will do more.I have published one blog post on technogat few days back and I mentioned all methods to promote blogs and to get high traffic and page ranking by creating a group of famous bloggers.
I am sure mentioned club will do like the same.
.-= Surender Sharma´s last blog ..How To Display Adsense Ads After Post in Thesis Theme =-.
Congratulations Klaus! A very good read, too.
.-= Evan Kline´s last blog ..Play High-End Games on Your Low-End Computer =-.
Hey thats great news it’s great seeing you get involved and interviewed over at the FBC, man is that growing fast!
.-= Extreme John´s last blog ..Bucs Tampa Bay Limo Specials and Schedule =-.
Way to go Klaus! I am glad the interview went well, and is inspiring others to add this feature to their blogs. We all like to get to know each other a little bit more than just reading comments, and this helps the community to grow. Who will be the first to do a video interview? Extreme John? From the back of Andre the Monster Limo? I like how that sounds. Drive it to San Diego, and Doug and I are in. Maybe take it on tour, and do all of the FBC100.
.-= Mark Smith´s last blog ..Great Reasons to Subscribe to Making Money Online’s Newsletter! =-.
Surender, Evan, John: Thanks for your kind comments, and yeah, FBC100 does seem to grow pretty fast, adding maybe one new interview a day or so?
Do you mean video interviews for FBC100 or just in general? Cause I’ve seen some video interviews being done already, but not related to FBC100. A tour would be cool though, if it comes around Europe
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Winmail.dat Fix: Letter Opener 3 For Apple Mail & Snow Leopard Released =-.
That’s wonderful.
I am very happy for you, and those involved in this most useful network site. I enjoyed reading your Interview. You are doing very well. 
.-= Ana´s last blog ..Framed Beauties =-.
Thank you Ana – won’t you be joining us in FBC100 at some time? I hope so