This is a story on how I went from less than 500 followers to over 1,000 followers in just 5 days at a rather low cost. There is a cost, it’s not free. However, this cost is unimportant if you’re serious about Twitter and you’re looking to get targeted Twitter followers that you can connect with (and think about how many hours it would take for you to manually get 500 new followers?).
The “secret” is Tweet Adder (works on PC & Mac). I’ll tell you more about it in a minute.
First, The Proof
I started out with around 480 followers, which I spent half a year getting up to, and today on the 5th day of using Tweet Adder, I have just over 1,000 followers.
Here’s the graph from TwitterCounter to prove it:
Why Use Twitter?
Twitter is what you make of it. Don’t let anybody tell you how you should use Twitter – use it as it pleases you and in a way you get the most out of it. There’s a reason why most Internet Marketers nowadays are on Twitter – it’s a great tool to communicate in just 140 characters, so your message is likely to be read fully, rather than a long (and boring?) e-mail that nobody cares to finish anyway. The downside, though, is that if your followers are following way too many people, your tweets (the messages you send on Twitter) might drown in the stream of all the other tweets and not get seen by many. Obviously you increase your chances of being seen, the more followers you have – and if you could target this to only users who have the same interests as you, it will get even better.
Personally, I use lists within another application called TweetDeck. I have an “IRL”-list with people I know In Real Life, to make sure I keep up with what they post. Then I have an “A” list and “B” list, into which I put people I want to follow closely (“A”) and the “B” list for other people I would like to read every now and then. People not put into any of the lists are just in my main stream and are likely to drown, but I still check the column everytime I launch TweetDeck.
How To Use Tweet Adder
First you need to go and get Tweet Adder (works on PC & Mac), a single user life-time license potentially allows you to get thousands of new followers – it just a matter of how you use Tweet Adder and for how long. You can use it for less than a week, like I’ve done, and gain 500 followers. I have a friend who started out with Tweet Adder a few days before me, with 50 followers, and he will break through a 1,000 followers any minute now (I’m constantly refreshing his Twitter page while I’m writing this).
Even though I’ve used it for five days now, I’m not going to stop just yet. I might slow down a bit but I intend to keep using it to build my Twitter followers and get in touch with more people over Twitter. I’ve already exchanged a few tweets with new followers about photography 🙂
Once you have installed Tweet Adder, you simply click the “Search” tab and enter your criteria. You can enter keywords and have it return all users who tweeted something with “food” in the last 1 day. Then you can add that list to your “users to follow” and start following. It’s easier than it sounds and there are a lot more options available than that, you can also search for language, followers/following, bio keywords etc.
Having created a “users to follow” list, you now go to the “Follow” tab. Here you should write max “400” in the “maximum Follows to send per day”, so you don’t upset Twitter for following too many users each day. Click the “Start”-button and Tweet Adder will do it’s magic.
All you can do now, is wait – and hope – for them to follow you back.
After a few days, you can go to the “Unfollow” tab and unfollow users you added, say, 2 days ago, if they haven’t followed you back yet. Tweet Adder will only unfollow users followed by Tweet Adder, so it will not unfollow Barack Obama just because he doesn’t follow you back 🙂
Another great feature of Tweet Adder is Direct Messages. You can define messages (DM’s) to send to your followers, based on who followed you today, this week, oldest followers, newest followers etc. A great way to get in contact with your new followers. I don’t encourage you to spam them, so if you use this feature, be sure to just say Hello and maybe throw a link to your blog. Don’t try to sell something – you’ll receive a ton of DM’s from the people you follow, many trying to sell you stuff – don’t be one of those people. Connect first – sell later, if you must! Tweet Adder will automatically make sure you don’t DM the same user more than once!
Automation is also available in Tweet Adder, but I haven’t really tried this feature yet. I don’t find it too troublesome to login to Tweet Adder every other day and click a few buttons, so no automation for me, thank you very much 🙂
You might think to yourself right about now that Tweet Adder is cheating, but it’s not. Everything it does, you could do it yourself directly on Twitter.com. Tweet Adder just helps you out by keeping records of what you’ve done and “clicking the buttons” for you, saving you countless of hours better spent elsewhere.
Tomorrow I will post on the “cleaning up”-part about Tweet Adder. Gaining this many followers as Tweet Adder will get you, it’s important to clean up in the people you follow, every now and then. Be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed (it’s free!) or follow me on Twitter, so you don’t miss out on the post tomorrow and future updates from TechPatio.
Please click here to continue to part 2: Cleaning-up on Twitter!
Hey Klaus,
Congrats on the 1.000 followers! As you mentioned, I just reached the magic number as well, and what a wonderful feeling 🙂
.-= LarsD @ BlogInTheBag´s last blog ..How to make 3D Box-shots and eBook Covers =-.
Congratulations to you too, for also reaching the magic 1,000 followers 🙂
That sounds like a really great Twitter tool! I currently use Buzzom.com to build my niche twitter accounts.
.-= Tom´s last blog ..RSS Subscribers VS Email List | Which Is Better? =-.
Yup, it’s really a great tool – I enjoy using it!
Just a heads up bro I tested Tweet Adder with one of our business accounts and Twitter ended up shutting that account down permanently. Just be careful 🙂
.-= Extreme John´s last blog ..5 Reasons Google Page Rank Drops =-.
Thanks for the heads-up 🙂 And yeah, like I kinda mention, it’s a good idea to “moderate yourelf”. I’ll be sure to post about this in a short while as well as my recommendation for a FAIR use of this application to help build your Twitter followers.
You’re right, as everyone has their own ways to use Twitter. I never really gave mass-follow app a try simply because I hope to know who I’m following personally, nothing against people who do as we all have different goals to achieve. I believe if been used wisely they might still get good results out of it after all, for example, higher chance to meet like-minded people. Seems to me that these 3rd party apps have improved with some new features, thank you for letting us know about it.
Social/Blogging Tracker
.-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..How To Autopost from Multiple Blogs To Your Facebook Fan Page =-.
Unfortunately I’m not so good at connecting individually with all my friends/followers, but every now and then somebody comes a long that I tend to follow more closely (Twitter, Facebook, blogging). You, being one of them 🙂
Thank you Klaus, I feel the same way. 🙂 It’s interesting how in such a big world we get to meet some people who are living in another side of the world. Keep up the good work, you certainly have what it takes to be a real techie-enthusiast.
.-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..How To Autopost from Multiple Blogs To Your Facebook Fan Page =-.
Sounds too good to be true. But I will keep and open mind. I will give it a try, after all, there no chance for success without any gamble. 🙂
Hi Walter. Well, I don’t believe in things that sounds too good to be true 🙂 But be sure to keep an eye on my TwitterCounter page so you can see how my followers increases and I’m only using Tweet Adder to help me do it.
Later today I’ll post an article on how to “clean up in your followings”, I hope you’ll find it useful.
Great tip. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts, after some time passes, whether they end up being “quality followers.” I’ve sort of neglected that angle on Twitter on my end, and so far have just followed people that I find interesting, as opposed to following people to get followers back. That may be something I try in the future.
.-= Evan @ 40Tech´s last blog ..Backupify: 2 Weeks Left to Get a Free, Unlimited, Account for Life =-.
I tried the demo version and only followed 100 people, but ended up getting over 30 in return within a few days. I will continue and see how many I can get this week.
Hi John. Sounds good. I hope you use my TweetAdder link to purchase from if/when you do 😉 I’m sure you won’t regret it. Use it right and it’ll be a wonderful tool for you. Have a look at my Twitter account now and see what I’m up to. Actually, I’ll spare you the trip, I have over 16,000 followers now…
wooww awesome post, I will use it to increase my followers..