Get cheap car insurance with a money-saving app

It always seemed a matter of when – not if – car insurance comparison sites like Moneysupermarket would make their presence felt in the app market.

Credit then must go to Moneysupermarket for bringing out the first car insurance comparison app to be launched in the UK.

The Moneysupermarket car insurance app is available to download free of charge for iPhone users. Don’t worry, though, if you own an Android phone because the app will be available to you in the coming months.

So, what’s so special about this app then? It’s free as already mentioned and gives motorists the chance to take advantage of average car insurance savings of an impressive £375. Not only that, but the app also speeds up the whole process of going through the annual rigmarole of buying car insurance, which again can only be a good thing.

Using the app could barely be any easier. All drivers have to do is insert a few basic details and then within a few clicks have a host of different quotes to mull over and a breakdown of the price is clearly laid out. Should you need any further information of advice, the ‘click to call’ button allows users to ring insurers up or there’s also the option to buy a policy immediately.

Julie Fisher, from Moneysupermarket, said of the app: “The cost of running a car has been increasing markedly over the last few years, with petrol prices on the up and car insurance a yearly necessity for all drivers.”

“People are naturally keen to take action, and shop around to switch to the best possible car insurance deal.”

“The launch of the Moneysupermarket car insurance app has made it even easier for people to find the right car cover for the best possible price – allowing people to compare a huge range of quotes quickly and easily – anytime, anywhere.”

“It’s another example of how Moneysupermarket is helping people to make the most of their money.”

18 thoughts on “Get cheap car insurance with a money-saving app”

  1. I always think that the money that you spend to buy a car, is infinite less than money that you spend to maintain your car.
    Insurance are raising their prices each year worldwide!

  2. It’s true that car insurance is quite expensive however it’s really useful since it protects you from being financially responsible for an accident and by law, you are required to have one. This app sounds really promising however i’m an Android user and hopefully it will be available in a couple of months. I’m really interested on this.

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  7. Hi there,
    I am not surprised that thanks to the moneysaving app you can save a whopping £375. Fro that particular reason if you manage to successfully promote UK insurance companies via affiliate programs the commission is even better than promoting online or mobile casino games via affiliate programs. Thanks for sharing.
    Regards. Tanya

  8. This app sounds really promising however i’m an Android user and hopefully it will be available in a couple of months. I’m really interested on this.Thanks for sharing this to us..I really appreciate..

  9. The calculation can be difficult. Great app I say, but unfortunately for most, it still is better to go with a full carbon based solution 🙁 poor earth, I feel sorry for you that humans care more about wealth than health.

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