An ethernet cable is used for networking, whether you’re linking two computers together, a computer with the internet, or a computer with any other product, then it’s probably an ethernet cable that’s providing the bridge. Most of the cables on the floor of your office will be ethernet, and you will notice that they come in all shapes and sizes and an array of different colours (this, in theory is so you know what’s connected to the printer and what’s connected to the internet, but in reality it just looks like an earthbound rainbow).
The theory runs that these cables are awkward and annoying, particularly in regards to an office scenario and that wireless connections will make them obsolete. Well, wireless connections have been around for quite a while and so far, the cable is still going strong. The reason for this is remarkably simple, wired connections are cheaper, quicker and more reliable, so why would you compromise this for a bit of extra space under the desk (where you probably don’t need it).
The other suggestion is that ethernet cables will be phased out of people’s homes as wireless internet becomes more popular. Now, to a certain extent this is already happening, because most people have a smartphone or a laptop or an iPad, and ethernet isn’t so well suited to these devices. However, desktop computers are also fairly heavily prevalent in people’s homes and as with wireless office connections, wireless internet just isn’t as good as the cabled equivalent.
The actual truth regarding the future of the ethernet cable is probably tied fairly closely to the future of the desktop. As long as the desktop remains the modus operandi in our offices, so too will the ethernet cable. In our homes where desktops are being replaced by laptops and other devices ethernets are less and less popular. As for whether or not the desktop will ever truly disappear? That’s a question for another day.
If is good no need to invent new technologies to replace ethernet cable.
Ethernet Cables are very good and useful . Thanks to the author for sharing the information about the future of Ethernet Network cables
it is good about ethernet cable.thanks a lot author
I guess the future of ethernet cables depends greatly on the future of desktop PCs 🙂
I would have to say that wireless networking will not overtake wired simply based on the fact that wireless networks are much easier to crack. A cracker can scan packets from a wireless network for a few hours (depending on the type of attack their performing) and crack the password in a fairly short amount of time. This is one reason (along with outside factors such as EMI) that wired networking won’t go anywhere for a long time if ever.
I dunno guys, I think token ring is going to make a comeback..
So when will my laptop have a 10GB/s port? I saw some tasty 24-port 10GB switches that cost prob $5k new, going for $2.5k… so 2, 3 years away?