1. Create in-depth content upgrades- one of the main principles of the B2B marketers content writing is that they should not create content for the search engine but for the real people. Instead of aiming for quick SEO success, you should focus more on investing in in-depth content creation as longer copy ranks more well in and get converted well. The average first-page search results content starts from 2000 words and goes up to 2500 words. Content upgrades are the effective method for publishing the detailed copy that does not take ages to produce content. Except providing valuable information to your readers, content upgrades gives the opportunity to collect your prospect contacts. In exchange for downloading your free content upgrades, people have to provide their information that works as the lead for you.
2. Embrace multimedia content creation- You cannot compete In the market in 2018 if you are not dedicating time for multimedia. Multimedia content creation has been a leading force for the B2B marketers in 2017. The live streaming is expected to accounts for the 79% of the web traffic by 2020. Tutorials, FAQs and product videos and explanation have to be an important part of your content marketing mix. B2B branders are focusing more on providing live videos, workshop sessions, visual content, infographics and visual appeal can be a valuable addition to your strategy. Multimedia does not take much time to produce and you can create single multimedia video and can display in different multimedia platforms. You can create impressive multimedia videos even by using your smartphone camera.
3. Boost your traffic with user-generated content- To whom your customers trust most? Most likely it’s their peers. The most persuasive content is not produced by the brands but by your prospects. User-generated content is a real content hack as it requires a little direct contribution from your marketing team. Since most of the people are equipped with mobile devices, it should be enough for you to engage your readers with you using own comments, images, and other contributions. If you can give good reasons to your customers, you can turn them into good customers and brands that advocate their own images, comments, and other contributions. Most of the users will generate some content on the website, you just have to direct that to your brand’s interest. You need to take initiative and inspire people and come and talk about your brand and share their opinions. These can take the form of competitions, surveys, input from influencers, reviews, social media images and more.
4. Invest in Microtargeting and hyper-personalization- Another important trend to follow is micro-targeting. It simply means that segmenting your target customer into smaller units on the basis of the demographics and consumer data. With the segmentation, you can apply personalization which includes communication with the smaller audience by giving highly focused messages that specially target them. This approach allows you to have deeper relationships with your prospects. It may require you some technical expertise to follow but it worth the efforts. These days’ customers expect some level of customization in the content they consume online. By analyzing customer’s work information, location, personal data, and behavior, you can make targeted messages that reach to the person at right time. You can shape your content as per the needs of the customers. You can also embed your customize messages in your social media exchanges and email marketing campaigns.
5. Implement the rule of seven- You can employ a concept that gains much popularity and still evolving around the readers today. It is called the “rule of Seven”. This rule indicates that your prospects need 7 interactions before starting with your brand or service. The basic idea behind this is that you can educate your prospects with engaging and high-quality content that can win their trust. This is more relevant in case of email marketing. Instead of fastly rushing them to the prospects, better educate them and let them be interested in your brand and then approach you. You should create a workflow for your team that includes 7 principals of the point of contacts with leads. You can do these interactions via email, your website or social media. It is especially handy if you use market automation for this purpose and it would save your time and resources.
Guest article written by: Solvoguru. Digital marketing is being executed by all businesses around the globe to achieve different marketing and sales goals. Start online marketing to tap growing online consumers looking for your products & services. Solvoguru Website, Twitter, E-mail.