For a business wishing to grow, there is no other option than conducting market research in order to learn about customers expectations and make sure to develop your activity according to their needs. Without market research, how could you possible guess what they want and what you need to offer in order to keep them loyal to your brand? Let’s review two major practices in the market research area: inline surveys and community managing.
Online surveys, the best way to learn about new targets
Online surveys have irrefutably become the most used tool in order to get customers feedback, but also to learn about potential future customers. Indeed, thanks to the wide spread of the internet and mobile phones, it is now very easy to reach a global audience and get a clear insight of new geographical markets, what focus groups and phone call research could not provide as easily and for such a low cost. Traditionnally hard-to-reach targets can then be reached quickly and easily.
With online surveys, no need to hire multilingual employees to conduct your research, or to spend a huge budget to call abroad. Online surveys have made small businesses’ international growth much more accessible thanks to its simplicity and it low costs. Not only is it easy to conduct, but it also makes the data collection and analysis much simpler. Within only a few hours of completion, results can be monitored, which lead researchers to get insightful information very quickly. Have a look at Drag’n Survey‘s services by clicking here for example, one online surveys provider amongst many others.
Community managing: a rising part of businesses research
Community managers were first hired to strengthen brand reputation and customer loyalty. But with time, companies realised that customers were much more inclined to give feedback to someone answering to them in a both-way discussion than through a one-way online survey.
Community managers started to collect important information about what went wrong with previous products or services, what, on the other hand, was right and should definitely not be changed, but also, and above all, what consumers expect from the company in the future.
Community managers are today a core element of businesses’ market research as they have the best insight of what customers want and think. They are able to advise at best businesses’ development teams and should be heard with much care, as they are the pillars of companies’ development strategies. Hearing their voice is like hearing customers voice. It guarantees that your next product or service will fit customers wishes and needs and will help you make sure your company is growing the right way.
Hi Klaus,
Surveys and feedback plays an important role in determining the future course of action of a business. It gives you insight about your product or service that you are selling. It helps you determine the steps to be taken in order to overcome the shortcomings of your business which in due course takes your business to greater heights.
Thanks for sharing, have a great day. 🙂