3 Steps on Using Infographics to Help You Rank Higher on Google 

A study has shown that infographics have the ability to increase web traffic by up to 12%. But how? Several factors come into play, but one of the strongest reasons is because humans are naturally visual creatures. We’re attracted more to visuals than text-only content. 

As a result, infographics become much more likely to attract visitors than mere articles. In this blog post, we’ll give you 3 actionable steps of how to build your website to rank higher on Google using infographics.

Create Valuable Content

The first step is to create the infographic itself. Creating high-quality infographics don’t have to be expensive, you can use free and affordable infographic tools and platforms as long as it contains valuable content. The more valuable your content, the more it could attract traffic, backlinks, and shares, which results in a higher Google ranking.  

One of the best content that attracts tons of backlinks is the one involving data statistics. Marketers and content writers need statistics to back up their article, so if you can provide that, they’ll more likely to link back to you. You can either do your own research, study, survey, or you can just simply create a compilation of studies done by other websites.

Make Buzz on Social Media

After you create the infographic, the next step is to publish it on your own website, infographic directories, and social media platforms. Social media is especially important because most people are there. To get more people to know you and visit your site, you need to make a buzz on social media with your visual content. Luckily for you, multiple studies have shown that infographics, and visual content in general, do well on social media:

  • People are 3 times more likely to like and share infographics on social media than any other type of content. (NN Group).
  • On Twitter, tweets with images are shown to receive 150% more retweets than text-only tweets. (Buffer)
  • Facebook posts with visuals get twice as many engagements as posts without visuals. (BuzzSumo) 

Outreach the Infographic by Email

This last step is the most time-consuming, but the result can be outstanding. Here, what you need to do is to look for other websites within the same niche as your infographic, collect their email addresses, and then ask them to publish your infographic.

By reaching out, your infographic will be published on many different sites, which will boost your brand awareness, site traffic, and also give you more backlinks. As a result of this, Google then will see that your website contains valuable and relevant content, resulting in a higher Google ranking.  

Guest article written by: Andre Oentoro is one of the co-founders of Milkwhale, an internationally acknowledged infographic production agency. He helps businesses increase visibility on the internet with visual data and well-placed outreach campaigns. 

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