Essential Ways to Attract Quality Backlinks to Your Blog

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to obtain quality links. A consistent blogging habit will net you drastically more visitors and a healthy number of inbound links. However, creating posts alone won’t produce the most ideal results. You need to incorporate some link building strategies to make sure you’re getting the best possible reach with your content and creating effective links.

Free and valuable resources

There’s nothing visitors like more than free things. However, making something free doesn’t make it particularly useful, unless it was useful to begin with. Offering visitors something that is both will most definitely urge them to share links from your website.

Some of the most effective free resources include blog posts, ebooks, instructional videos, and whitepapers. Anything that contains useful ideas or information would be more than welcome on your blog. Text posts are key among them, as they are easy to digest and share with other people. Social media goes crazy for informative blog posts and you can be sure that your resource will be shared on platforms like Facebook and Twitter if it proves to be useful.

Low-cost online PR

Social media is one of the most interesting and dynamic platforms for users and businesses alike. It allows for the sharing of quality content near instantaneously. A consistent online marketing strategy can give you some quality attention with relatively low amounts of effort.

Positioning your brad for the highest possible media attention should be one of your top priorities. In the current digital media climate, it’s easier than ever to attract attention through social media. You don’t have to invest a lot of funds to spread your content, as long as it’s organically shared through posts and links.

Trending infographics

One of the best ways to increase your number of backlinks is to harness visual marketing. As of recently, infographics have proven themselves to be extremely beneficial for backlink generation across all mediums. People find infographics to be very informative and easily digestible. An infographic can get you up-to-speed on just about any topic in the shortest amount of time possible while providing all the necessary information that you need.

If your audience can graphically take note of what you’re trying to explain, it’s going to be a lot more effective than using plain text. Plus, visual content is a lot easier to translate into multiple languages. There are very few words used, and the visual aspect of the explanation is universally understood by even those who aren’t familiar with English.

Reproduction of content

Most websites feel that once a piece of content is written or produced, it’s pretty much spent. The great thing about useful content is that it can be reused time and time again for even better results. You can reproduce valuable pieces of content that still have potential, as long as you know how to create links that are even more valuable.

With this method, you don’t duplicate content to keep it exactly the same. Instead, you expand on it to create even more linkable material. Content creation and recreation can get pretty complicated, which is why businesses integrate help and resources from experts like GWM Brisbane in these situations. It’s an easy way to increase your number of informative blog posts, while hardly spending any additional resources.

Monitoring competitors

Coming up with new strategies to attract backlinks can be difficult. There’s a lot of ground to cover and just about every part of your marketing campaign can affect potential backlink generation. The good news is that you don’t have to look far if you run out of ideas. One of the most effective tried-and-tested ways to increase your number of backlinks is to look at the marketing strategies of your competitors.

Every industry is going to have strong competition that’s aiming for the same goals as you are. It’s likely that competitors are also looking to increase their backlink repertoire while using different strategies to yours. If theirs prove to be effective, there’s no reason you can’t perform a competitive audit and utilize those same strategies for your own campaign.


Backlink generation is a complex task that requires extensive knowledge of SEO and digital marketing practices. It’s also something that every online business has to practice since it provides invaluable resources and results. Be selective with your approach towards backlink creation, as different strategies have different success rates. Consider the above methods to increase your number of backlinks and you’ll see positive results pretty quickly.

Guest article written by: Maggie Holmes is a passionate blogger who writes on renovation, fashion, technology and business. Her hobby is to surf the net to find amazing articles that can inspire her with some fresh ideas for article writing. She loathes being a common person who wastes her time. Follow her on twitter at

3 thoughts on “Essential Ways to Attract Quality Backlinks to Your Blog”

  1. Hello Klaus,

    All the ways listed here to attract quality backlinks is really an informative post. Everyone has to adapt to these techniques in order to gain quality backlinks. Observing competitors and following their strategies also an effective way.


  2. Klaus,

    I think I am going to start making more infographics for my older content. Hopefully, this can kill two birds with one stone. 😉

    Thank you for this informative article!


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