A Meta Tag is a line of HTML coding containing metadata about the webpage it is sited on. The Meta tag information does not change the appearance of the page and will never be seen by the people visiting the webpage. The only way your Meta tags will be seen is if the audience wish to notice your find language.
July 2009: Blog Summary & Income (My First Month Of Blogging)
Since the beginning of TechPatio.com, I decided that I wanted to share my blogging experiences with my readers. I’ve seen it in several places, but I also understand that some bloggers don’t care much about sharing their earnings and visitor stats with total strangers. Nevertheless, I believe – for now at least – that it’s important that others will be able to benefit from my knowledge and my experience.
Help Me Test This System: Get Thousands Of Website Visitors For Free
Dear reader,
I need your help!
I found this “Get a 1,000,000 visitors in a month”-program over at the Not John Chow blog. It’s free, so don’t worry – I’m not selling you anything, but for the sake of the experiment, please read on 🙂
Let me explain what it is. You visit the site, fwebtraffic, just read through the description real quick so you know what it’s about. Now at the bottom of the page you will find 6 website links. You have to click those, each of them will generate you a code that you have to enter at the fwebtraffic website. By entering all 6 codes correctly, they can verify that you have actually gone to those sites and stayed there for at least 15 seconds.
Now you sign up at the fwebtraffic site, by entering your website address and a “text advert” to be shown in the list of 6 links. I suggest you use a secondary e-mail address, just in case…
SEO: Why Meta Description Is Still Important
By now you may have heard several times from search engine experts, that “meta tags” are not as important any longer as they used to be. While that’s especially true for “meta keywords”, as they were simply being abused too much, meta description is still important to maintain in your website pages. Let me explain why…
If meta description is not available on your page, Google and other search engines will use some text from that particular page and display those few lines under your page title in the search result. That may not be too bad in most cases, but you don’t really have a saying when deciding which lines should be shown there, and in worse case, it will show some text completely irrelevant to the content of your page.
10 Blog Traffic Tips
In every bloggers life comes a special day – the day they first launch a new blog. Now unless you went out and purchased someone else’s blog chances are your blog launched with only one very loyal reader – you. Maybe a few days later you received a few hits when you told your sister, father, girlfriend and best friend about your new blog but that’s about as far you went when it comes to finding readers.
Here are the top 10 techniques new bloggers can use to find readers. These are tips specifically for new bloggers, those people who have next-to-no audience at the moment and want to get the ball rolling.
It helps if you work on this list from top to bottom as each technique builds on the previous step to help you create momentum. Eventually once you establish enough momentum you gain what is called “traction”, which is a large enough audience base (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no longer have to work too hard on finding new readers. Instead your current loyal readers do the work for you through word of mouth.
Another Chance To Join “Become A Blogger Premium”

This is a little crazy, and unexpected…
Yaro Starak and Gideon Shalwick just sent me an urgent note to let you know they are very briefly opening up their powerful blogging coaching program again, which I’m already participating in.
Well, they said that they got HEAPS of people that missed out because of the Independence Day Holiday in the United States last week.
And they wanted to give you another opportunity to join their amazing program, along with all the other 420 students who’ve already signed up last week.
If you missed out last week for whatever reason, this is your chance to get in.
Retain Visitors To Your Site And Increase Sales Conversions: Exit Grabber Review

You want better sales conversions or membership registrations on your website, am I right? Because, after all, that’s what puts food on the table. And beer in the fridge. After having this software recommended by a good friend and Internet marketing guru, I suggested to one of my clients that they gave it a try.
Months later, the results are in.
Allow me to cut to the chase, while Exit Grabber claims to be able to boost sales by 327%, my client “only” saw an increase in membership registration of around 26% per month, compared to a usually very steady membership registration flow. To be honest, that’s not a bad increase at all, considering the price of Exit Grabber is only around 80 bucks. And if they didn’t have this software on their site, the users would just have left the website, never to return again. And never become a paying member.
Become A Blogger – Free Video Training Course
This is a time limited deal, the team is shutting down for new “students” at midnight EST July 3rd, so you probably don’t have much time less if you want to read the entire sales pitch and join in on the program, like I just did. You have several options, you can start out with … Read more →
Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), part 1
If you have absolutely no clue, or very little, about Search Engine Optimizaiton, reading this post will get you started with some basic information.
As you have probably figured out already, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SERP means Search Engine Result Pages, ie. the page you see on e.g. Google with the results of what you just searched for. And SE, you guessed it, Search Engine, like Google, Yahoo, Bing and so on.
I’m going to assume that you already have a website or a blog, that you wish to optimize a bit and get some more hits from the Search Engines. Lets start with the first and most important rule.