How Chatbots are Already Changing the SEO Game

You’ve probably heard about chatbots, if you don’t use them already. In the past few years they’ve become popular features of messaging tools like Facebook Messenger, Slack, and Skype. Sometimes you even see them pop up on websites you visit. Bots are slowly but surely integrating themselves into our digital lives. What are chatbots? In … Read more →

SEO: Why Meta Description Is Still Important

By now you may have heard several times from search engine experts, that “meta tags” are not as important any longer as they used to be. While that’s especially true for “meta keywords”, as they were simply being abused too much, meta description is still important to maintain in your website pages. Let me explain why…

If meta description is not available on your page, Google and other search engines will use some text from that particular page and display those few lines under your page title in the search result. That may not be too bad in most cases, but you don’t really have a saying when deciding which lines should be shown there, and in worse case, it will show some text completely irrelevant to the content of your page.

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