How to make the perfect Cappuccino, or: How I learned to stop worrying and making my own cappuccino

Apple logo foamHave you ever wondered how the restaurants made your cappuccino? Because I have, so I decided to go out and buy some rather cheap espresso machine with a steam wand, just to try it out myself. I like coffee and cappuccino, but I prefer to enjoy when I’m out, so when I’m at home, I mostly drink sometimes in the mornings or in the evenings if I feel like making one.

Here’s how I make a cappuccino, as good as possible, with the equipment I have to my disposal:

1: If possible, use a metal pitcher. Make sure to chill it first, this will better the foam.

2: Fill metal pitcher with “half a mug” of fresh whole milk, that hasn’t been steamed before. For my cappuccinos, I use 2 espresso shots, which equals pretty much 1 coffee cup. I’ll be using the same amount of milk, as the 2 espresso shots – and then pour it together in a mug afterwards.

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