Now you can make calls from their mobile phones using Google Voice. Users have the advantage of a platform that can synchronize SMS, unified phone number and automated voicemail transcription.
Earlier the calls could be made only using a web interface but Google Voice makes it possible to make calls from the phones directly using VoIP or Internet Phone. Android and BB users can make calls directly using Google’s mobile application for Research in Motion (RIMM). Google Voice users can now make free phone calls using their smartphones with ease, without worrying about the huge telephone bills. Simply dial and talk away!
Using this new application, calls can be made and SMS messages can be sent with Google voice straight from the mobile phone. Another feature of Google Voice is that it can be used to make calls directly from the address book. Checking voicemails is easy. The Google Voice service will automatically transcribe your voicemail to text — though it can be shut off in the settings page of the service. You can search through past voicemails as well as archived SMS messages.
Inbox can be accessed using smartphones through Google Voice. SMS can be received and sent. Google Voice allows its users to make international calls at amazingly low rates.
With Android you can check your voicemail and route all calls including international calls through Google Voice. With BlackBerry, dialer can be used if you don’t want to route a call through Google Voice. Google Voice application is also compatible with Apple iPhone. Industry watchers speculated that Google will try to make money by giving ads in voicemail transcripts but the company said it won’t use ads.
Impact of Google Voice on wireless carriers is still to be seen. Wireless carriers charge for text messages and with Google Voice the users do not have to pay for text messages because it is considered as user’s data plan. Text messages constitute a great part of income of carriers.
The coming of VoIP or Internet Phone through Google Voice to the smartphones has made the software vendors worried. There incomes are endangered of being decreased because Google Voice is giving services like text messages free of cost. Attempts are made to handle this. For example when Skype came on iPhone it did not support VoIP on 3G so that users had to pay carriers for the service. Skype only supported VoIP on WiFi connections. But still Google Voice has an edge over Skype because of its features like personal phone number that can call any telephone, voice mails and call screening.
Carriers will have to come up with some new options as Google Voice is giving them a hard time. Google Voice gives SMS service for free, it has made it possible to make international calls at cheap rates and that too directly from the cell not needing the web interface. Google Voice can route international calls, this is a huge advantage.
Guest post by: This guest post is written by Zach. He is a writer and his area of interest is internet phone technology. He has eight years of experience in voip industry and currently he is working with Axvoice internet phone service providers.
Google voice is not VoIP. That is a common mis-perception. Google Voice uses your cellular minutes when you call from an Android phone or Blackberry (as well as on iPhone). So you cannot use it to reduce your cell bill, nor can you use it where you don’t have cell reception, nor on an iPod touch or iPad.
Full disclosure I work for a company that offers an app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch that IS voip. It works over WiFI or 3G data networks to allow you to place unlimited US/Canada calls and send unlimited texts without using any AT&T plan minutes or texts. Its not free, however ($9.95/mo) but you can drop your AT&T bill by $50/month.
Nice to see that you are working for a company that is making some application for iphone etc. As far as the corrections are concerned, i think the comment came without reading the article. I never said those things in my article. I would request you to please read the article carefully and then comment.
Combine VoIP with Google Voice? Frankly speaking, it is an amazing idea. But unfortunately, in my country, Google Voice service is still unavailable until now.
That is unfortunate. In some countries, voip is banned. It sometimes at the demand of land line service providers that are enjoying monopoly in their relative countries. In some countries voip was banned because these calls were “undetectable” for the secret service agencies.
This is quite intersting, both the original article and the fist post from Peter.
The “Call Phone” you now find inside of Gmail is, I believe, VoIP and it works flawlessly and provides excellent call quality.
If we could get THAT on a BB or Android, then we are talkin’! (for free)
Hi, It seems like Google Voice for BlackBerry is no longer available. I can’t find it in BB App World.
Whoever wrote this is an idiot! Google Voice is not VOIP!
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Great Post! I am glad to read this awesome post about voip service. thanks for sharing such a Informative post. Keep Posting!