While this video by Google is produced before the Amazon and Sony incidents, it clearly demonstrates that Google is serious about protecting your data – at least on the hardware side.
One thing is protecting the physical access to your data in the cloud, the other – and maybe even more important – is protecting remote access to your data, through insecure software. Well, in this video Google only shows us the hardware side of things, so I guess we just have to trust they’re doing a good job on keeping everything else up-to-date and secure 🙂
Watch the video below to learn more and leave a comment afterwards, how safe do you feel with your data in the cloud?
What about hacking? 😛
nice video, Thank you very much
To be honest it’s really great to see that the largest tech company in the world is taking it this seriously. Sony and Amazon you could understand being hacked, but Google is central to security. I think they’ll do a great job with cloud computing in the years to come.
I have always believed that Google is more serious about Security compared to most other websites. Their pullout from China, after a couple of gmail accounts were hacked, are commendable.
I’m really impressed with the security system that the BIG G have, it’s really awesome…
The video is really awesome and it makes us believe that Google is really serious with their cloud security. Hopefully nobody breaks it as those hacks are terribly responsible in destroying a company’s good name and intention.
Its really amazing watching this video. Google is King of World Wide Web for a reason and this video proves how serious they are about security of their data center. Thanks Klaus for sharing this video. Really loved it.
Ya I think Google is a bit more secure because they are so big, Im sure millions of hacks have been attempted. We probably don’t hear about a bunch on them unless something big happens, but makes you wonder why Amazon couldn’t get it right. Maybe since Google is a software based company?
Surveillance systems for Google hmmm, at least they are not like the Federal Reserve or Fort Knox but I think they are pretty close to it. I like the name Big G that DJ said.
Nice video Klaus, that was enjoyable. I felt like there would be a test at the end.
Wonder if you HAVE to be black to work in Security there..
Google always being a leader in technology must have such standards at least to gain the trust of the companies and its end users. I have even heard Google claiming of bing to copying the results provided by Google. This seems Google now has to tighten their screws.
I will let google handle my home stuff but work forget about it. I think google does take the necessary precautions but I still don’t trust them after the whole google books thing.
Thanks Klaus for sharing this video! Interesting insight on how things works at Google, the king of the Internet.