When you incorporate the 3 giants of social media like Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, I’m of the thoughts that your business would grow, no matter how small.
1. Quick Delivery
Have you ever sent a tweet and waited for it to go through? Absolutely not. One great thing about twitter is the quick delivery of your advertising campaigns. If you’re a wise marketer, you already know that space and speed is used to measure time.
Your business is actually dependent on the number of prospects you’re able to reach within the click of a button. With twitter marketing, it’s easy and fun.
2. Copywriting Skills
The best skill you should develop as an internet marketer, isn’t networking, neither is it quality product. What you should aim for is “copywriting skill.” Why? The reason is simple; you can sell a crappy product effectively with a powerful copy. Although, your products aught to be great, but having a great product with mediocre copy is the surest way to failure.
So, begin with your copywriting skills. That’s why this skill is the highest paid service in the world. A friend of mine receives nothing less than $10,000 for a single sales copy. A lot is involved in it, but the results of writing great copies far outweighs the efforts leveled into it.
Twitter helps your copywriting skills. How?
You’re only allowed 140 characters. Do you complain that the space is little, or do you take advantage of that tiny space and craft mouth-watering tweets? Twitter helps you to manage time and space, thus making you a better copywriter.
3. Automated Advertising
I’m yet to see any project online that you can automate 97%. With twitter, you can deliver your messages, without any manual effort.
Since I started using twitter, several of my tweets go out daily, but none of these were done manually. Although, I took the time to write catchy tweets, but today, I simply relax and allow software and applications to handle the job.
You can’t always be there at all times to advertise to your followers and others, but when automated, you can schedule messages to go out periodically. One great application that allows this automation and scheduling is twaitter.com. Check it out and see for yourself.
4. Niche Marketing Made Simple
When you approach twitter marketing creatively, it would be easier to channel your products to the right people. You set your preferences and make sure that the people who follow you’re targeted. How? You get to select your industry niche. For instance, if you’re into affiliate marketing, you can set your preferences, so that affiliate marketers and beginners gets to follow you.
Isn’t this what niche marketing is all about?
By delivering your best products to the right people, conversion is at the roof. So, start using twitter today in a creative manner. It begins with a proper understanding of who your prospects are. If you don’t know them, you won’t serve them well.
For instance, before launching my review blog that features vmware coupon, acronis coupons and icontact coupon and discount deals, I had to streamline my advertising campaigns to the right twitter users. Using this approach, conversion is usually high.
There you’ve it, the 4 important benefits of using twitter to deliver your products and services. By this I mean, your content, your skills and the solution you’ve. It’s time to start taking action, by streamlining your advertising campaigns to meet your target audience. Do this and reap greater benefits – your success is sure!
Guest article written by: Michael Iloba is a Social Media Examiner. He often writes about discount deals at coupon blogs, like the [tp lang=”en” only=”y”]VeryBestSoftware.Net[/tp][tp not_in=”en”]VeryBestSoftware.Net[/tp], that share software reviews and offers, tehcnology news and updates.
Surely Twitter marketing is important. That is why there are many services out there that supply Twitter followers to grow your business. However, the main point here I feel is to get more followers. If there are thousands of followers, it is easy to market anything out.
Right. I agree with you Alan however you have to make sure that you’re followers are real people and not just auto-follow. It would just a waste of time if you’re tweeting and no one is actually reading it. As much as possible, make a marketing strategy that would attract users to follow you and those users should share the same interest as you.
I have to say that since I’ve been using twitter to “market” my blog via tweeing out posts etc, I’ve had a massive influx coming in from Twitter, as you mention in your post, twitter is quick, though sometimes you do have to work on the right times for your market to get your tweets, there’s no pointing tweeting when you niche are fast asleep 😉
I’m a twitter novice, but am trying to learn more about the ‘beast’. Thanks for the info about software that can automate your posting, I wasn’t aware of that service and it sounds like it would save a lot of time.
I appreciate the information! Thanks again!
yes, twaitter can help you triple your social media marketing efforts. But you need to stay on it, don’t quit so soon.
twitter marketing helps a lot because you can easily market your business by the help of your followers.
In twitter you can easily find same interest people and promote your product or serivces. I use Buffer to manage my tweets, it’s free of cost and simple to use. Just add your tweet to buffer, set the time and leave everything on buffer to do.
Yes I can say that Twitter greatly helped me on my business. I have the option to target the specific niche that I wanted and at very fast results.
before i read this information, i just promote my blog via Facebook. Because i`m not popular with twitter. and number of my follower is low. so i think is not work well. so, what do you think,
can I still use twitter follower despite little or should I increase my follower first. there are tips and tricks do not how to increase followers?
Hi arman,
If you’re after a way to increase your Twitter followers, then TweetAdder helped me get 16,000 of them – so I can recommend that.
thanks for the recommendation. I’ll try it.
The most important factor I like about Twitter is its ability to share my tweets on several social media and other websites and application to do it correctly. Now I do not need to tweet manually If add any content to other sites, It automatically appears.
It is micro blogging site which allow 140 character to describe your thought, business or services. It is very popular networking site which can boost your business.