Simple Tune-Up Actions to a Faster PC In 2013

How many PC problems did you experience last year? If you couldn’t count how many times you reformatted your computer last year, countless files you lost to crashes and how many unproductive hours you wasted trying to put your system in order, you are not alone. I had my share of system comedy last year too. But the good news is, in an attempt to make PC problems the least of the things I would have to worry about this year, I made it part of my new year resolutions to bring my computer back to live and restore its smooth operation.

What have I done to get my PC performing like a new set fresh off the warehouse? Oh, what I did… just a few actions that won’t take you too long to do.

Remove Anything You Don’t Use

Simple as stated; those files, folders and programs that you haven’t used over a period of time are just sucking up space in your hard drive and may be taking a toll on the performance of your PC. Your goal here should be to decrease the number of files, folders and programs installed on your PC. Start from your desktop, then go through your Documents folder and clean, to the last bit, those files and folders that you haven’t used in a long time. You can transfer them to an external hard drive or a storage device if you think you may still need them later. Once done, uninstall all the programs you are not using. Chances are, majority of these would be those 15-30 days trial software programs that come pre-installed with a new PC (most of us never remember to get rid of these).

To make sure none of these uninstalled programs leave any sort of code or utility behind on your computer, you can use Revo Uninstaller – a very effective program that can search and wipe out all the remains of a program you don’t want in your PC.

Perform a Thorough Scan on Your PC

If you don’t already have, get a good antivirus and anti-spyware security suite and perform a full system scan. These will help you unhook any virus, Trojans, spyware, malware and other malicious codes that may have found their way onto your computer last year. Most of the time, these foreign programs are the reason we go through a lot of hurdles with our system. They take up a lot of memory leaving practically insufficient processing memory for our input/output commands.

Once this first thorough scan is completed, you may also want to schedule periodic auto scans which may run daily or weekly at a pre-determined time. If you work online or access the internet often, you may also want to get a reliable internet security suite to help keep you safe while interacting with the globe.

Run and Schedule System Updates

One of the most important things you need to do to start this year with the right foot is to run and schedule system updates. Run an initial update of every program on your system (for those that are not up to date) and ensure your PC is set to automatically download and install updates on a regular basis.

Disable Unnecessary Services

There are certain services that may be constantly running on your PC by default but which you don’t use (and haven’t really used). For instance, if you are using a Windows system, you will have noticed that the Automatic Updates service is on by default and may alert you or automatically install updates once available. On the other hand, there are other services with similar functionality which may be eating up your system resources as you don’t really need them at the moment. Services like the Wireless Zero Configuration, Bluetooth services and others. Most of these services come with setting options which will allow you to either enable or disable them. It is therefore advised that you disable those you don’t need at the moment and only enable them when you want to make use of them.


As you use your computer, files get broken into disparate units and loaded into different parts of the hard drive which makes it harder for your PC to find and process at request. Defragmenting will ensure that programs and files that belong together are arranged in a single block for easy access. This will help increase the processing speed of your PC.

No, I am not Bill Gates and neither am I some computer geek. I am just a blogger looking for ways to make every minute I spent on my profession worth my while. And as such, I am determined not to lose a second to crashes, and other computer mal-functions this year. Yes, a lot of what I did came from the experience I had last year while trying to troubleshoot my way through crashes and other errors. But here, I have made it more understandable for anybody looking to have a perfect smooth running PC this year.

Guest article written by: Steven is the owner of where he provides bargain coupons to digital product creation solutions.

4 thoughts on “Simple Tune-Up Actions to a Faster PC In 2013”

  1. I haven’t degragmented my laptop’s hard drive since early 2012, thanks for this timely reminder. It’s time for a PC spring clean on Windows OS as well.

  2. Honestly, I would recommend using Advanced SystemCare. Its one of the best system utility I have ever came across. No kidding.

    Give it a try and many would love it too.


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