Going Mobile
Even though the screens of our TVs are getting bigger and bigger each year, the future of television is more likely to end up on a tiny screen of a mobile device. According to one estimate, in 2017 two thirds of a planet will have an access to a phone. In 2015, Google confirmed that the number of web searches from mobile devices (phones and tablets) officially surpassed those made on desktop setups. Because of all this, it isn’t hard to guess that greatest names in the television industry might target mobile users next.
Perfect examples of this are HBO, Netflix, NBC and AMC which now offer apps on both iTunes and Google Play. These giants of the entertainment industry offer their viewers to watch all of their favorite TV shows via their phones. Sure, this will never be as enjoyable as laying back in your home theater, but it is much more convenient. Why? Well simply because it can provide you with an entertainment even in the public transportation, waiting rooms and long queues.
Smart Technology
Another name making a big splash in the future of television is the concept of smart TV. Some of the greatest tech conglomerates have started competing about who can make the smart television set. This incredible device is supposed to be the ultimate entertainment mean in your home since they give you both the commodity of having a traditional TV, as well as the 21st century feature of web-browsing. The thing that allowed this amazing breakthrough are the amazing bandwidth offers present, which are supposed to hook up most of your home accessories.
The Comeback of the Antenna
For a while there, it seemed as if the cable was going to suppress the antenna for good. However, this plan had few serious setbacks. Firstly, when a problem happens at the cable company, the only thing you could do was call their customer service and complain. In some situations, this worked, in most others, it did not. On the other hand, when it comes to fixing your antenna, there are so many things you can do right away.
Second, the greatest advantage of cable was the fact that it was much more reliable (picture-quality-wise), but it would be ridiculous to compare present day cable with a 20-year old antenna. Modern receivers (especially digital or satellite ones) are quite sophisticated and provide you with a service that is in no way inferior to what modern cable companies have to offer. All you need to do is find someone to do a proper TV antenna installation for you.
From all this, it is more than clear that the television industry is definitely not going down with a fight. As the market changes, it too has to change both devices in its arsenal and its doctrines. Still, judging from what we now see, it would be safe to assume that they are on the right path.