How to Write a Marketing Essay

Marketing is an exciting and consistently evolving industry that is intensely rewarding to study. With considerable advancements being made in the field every year, students have a unique opportunity to contribute to the wider understanding of the possibilities of marketing across an array of different industries and sectors.

Many marketing courses assess students’ knowledge and abilities through a series of assignments and essays. You will likely be required to submit several core pieces of work for assessment alongside attending lectures, seminars and workshops, which isn’t easy. So, if you’re wondering how to write a marketing essay that will help you to achieve your desired grade, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Understanding Expectations

In addition to understanding the research methodologies and referencing style you will be expected to use, you must also ensure that you keep the word count you are working with at the forefront of your mind throughout. You don’t want to find yourself approaching your deadline only to realise you have exceeded your upper word limit but are only halfway through the arguments you wanted to make.

It is also important that you approach your essay with your audience in mind. A marketing essay with an educational focus might thoroughly explain prominent theories and specific industry terminology, whereas marketing essays for experienced audiences will likely focus on demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the resources you are referencing and discussing, without needing to go into too much descriptive detail.

You might find it helpful to work within an overall framework that is similar to some of the resources, text books and journal articles with which you have been engaging throughout your course. Take some time to critically examine how the authors of the most compelling essays and articles in the marketing field set out their arguments and present their findings.

Selecting a Topic

You might have been provided with a specific title or question to answer but if you have a degree of flexibility, it is imperative that you select a topic that you find interesting, will play to your strengths and will allow you to fully demonstrate your knowledge and marketing expertise.

Before you begin, consider why you have been given this assignment and what your reader will be looking for when they are marking it. Examine the marking criteria and ensure that you understand precisely what your essay must include to achieve your desired grade. This is a prime opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge base you have built, in addition to your academic and professional skills. You should be able to convincingly present your ideas within a clear academic framework, allowing your own unique voice to engage your reader and exhibit your expertise.

Conducting Sufficient Research and Utilising Appropriate Terminology

It is impossible to write a compelling essay without researching your subject. Engaging with critical essays and articles will help you to understand the best ways to present your arguments and gauge the most appropriate tone and style to adopt in your own work.

Remember, your reader will be looking for informative and persuasive arguments delivered with creativity and flair that holds their attention throughout.

Correctly utilising marketing terminology is an excellent way to demonstrate your understanding of the industry. Although you should always avoid awkwardly forcing professional terms into sentences where they don’t quite fit, naturally referring to relevant terms will help to reassure your reader that you are confident in your knowledge and understand the theories and concepts you are presenting.

Outlining your Arguments

Structure is critical to ensuring that you take your reader on a smooth journey and present them with a coherent argument that is diligently supported by research, evidence and thoughtful engagement with wider marketing concepts. Although you might want to start writing as soon as possible, it is always worth spending some time considering what you want to say, and how you want to say it. Outlining and structuring is as much a part of essay writing as actually putting pen to paper.

As marketing is such a broad field, your essay should establish and remain focused on a specific topic throughout. So, take care only to refer to relevant ideas that support your central argument.


Starting an essay is often the most difficult part, so you might find it helpful to remind yourself that your initial draft is not your finished product. Resisting the urge to refine and edit as you go will give you space to fully explore your topic and allow your ideas and arguments to develop organically.

Case Studies and Visual Accompaniments

Introducing case studies can be an effective way to evaluate the accuracy and relevance of your arguments. Being able to demonstrate that you understand the scope of your argument will immediately engage your reader and reassure them that what they are about to read is an accomplished piece of work. This will also give you something substantial to discuss in your introduction.

From statistics presented as graphs and/or charts to examples of specific marketing campaigns, inserting visual accompaniments that enhance your argument can be an excellent way to further convey your ideas to your reader. Just make sure to check that visual aids are permitted, and only utilise them if they are relevant to your work.

Refining, Editing and Formatting

The editing process will highlight unintentional inconsistencies and help you to evaluate whether each point you are making is clear and fully supported by research and/or evidence. You should critically engage with your work to ensure that you haven’t overlooked an important theory or failed to expand upon a key point.

It is also important to ensure that your work is formatted correctly. There are strict formatting guidelines for academic work that your marker will be looking for, so checking that you haven’t made any formatting mistakes could positively affect your final grade. Although the revision process might seem tedious, this is your final opportunity to improve your work before submission.


Well-rounded marketing essays must diligently cite and reference every source. Whether you have quoted an article at length or merely referred in passing to an important marketing concept, comprehensively referencing every idea and piece of work that is not your own is essential to avoid being penalised for plagiarism.

If your deadline is fast approaching and you are struggling to balance the workload of your marketing course, UK Writers Hub can help. UK Writers Hub will match you with an industry expert well versed in the marketing field, who will help you to achieve the grade you want.

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