6 Website Design Tips for New Startup

When you think of advertisement, one of the very first things that would strike your mind is the interactive surface for customers. This makes a website one of the most fundamental components of any marketing strategy. Hence, your website needs some key features to make your establishment work with all types of people and to attract a huge crowd. For the same, keep these 6 points in mind, and you are good to go.

1. Feedback

Always keep the option of feedback open for your viewers. Your website must have a Hosting Review box which would enable an attractive interface. Get feedback not only on the merch you are selling but also on the layout and interactive facility you are providing. Nowadays, hosting review box is in trend, which makes the visitors give a review of your website. Reply to as many feedbacks as you can and build a trustable audience. Also, keep these feedbacks into consideration when you look to improve your grand scheme. Don’t ignore them and offer these people an alternative instead.

2. Keep it simple

The magic of a good website is its ease to handle. Keep everything in sight without crowding your customer. Organize things into a category and sort it into order. Make it available in every possible format and don’t make use of complicated pathways. Keep every relatively important information’s link on the main page. Add as many images and visual samples as you can so that people can easily find what they are looking for. Include as much information in pictures as you can and keep your text limited. People are more easily influenced by what they see than what they read.

3. Diverse

Keeping it simple doesn’t mean you have to choose the basic format. You can get a little creative and diversify your website. Suggest striking titles to your blogs. Make collages if possible. Have clear pictures everywhere for ease of access. Keep your background relative and let your imagination run wild. You can add pop-ups and lists to make your website even more interactive and approachable by people. Divide information in a creative way to make it look pleasing to the public eye.

4. Think of the future

While making the layout of your website, make it future-friendly. Keep more posting options open, have a blog going on the side and allow the users to interact with the site, if possible. Allow people multiple options of contact and keep on improving your layout. Don’t let your website stagnate at a point. Update as much as you can and provide the latest information. Keeping the audience up-to-date is the most important ingredient in building a solid customer base.

5. Color scheme

Keep your website relative to your product. Keep your color scheme related to your business. If possible, try matching it with your logo and always implement that logo on your website. A good way to make a lasting impression on people is to have them relate your website to your product. This will help people recognize you anywhere and your business to become famous. Also, when you advertise on social media, always keep your website link in the description and try incorporating color scheme there also. This will be a good way to familiarise new people with your brand.

6. Take a trial run

Run a trial version of your website and check out the response of the customers. Try including as many features as you can. Look for an honest response from your trusted customers. Make changes regularly and take poll regularly. If you feel your website is not working or need changes, don’t hesitate to make them. Try as many new things as you can to look for what works the best with your layout. Make navigating to your website easier and reach out to more and more people for the beta test. Have a critic look at your website to give an honest opinion about your site.

Your site can make or break your business and more often than not will become the basis of comparison between you and your rival businesses.

Follow the golden rule of keeping it simple and sophisticated with easy navigation and SEO friendly. Reach out to more people and build your business around your website. You have the tool, and you just need to implement its usage in real life.

5 thoughts on “6 Website Design Tips for New Startup”

  1. it is not always very easy to keep your website simple. You have very good ideas. I have been using some of them already. Your arcicle is a good exaple: simple and clear. Thanks

  2. Outstanding post Klaus, well done and thanks for sharing! All of this amounts to impressive presentation to create curiosity. Because a curios visitor often converts to a sale. I like how you mention color. Because color can inspire a certain mood, sparking curiosity.

  3. Wow! So nice. At times it is very difficult to start up an online business and immediately start converting sales from first visits but I think that is possible if one can follow these tips. I even tried this on my new site


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