When Effective Images Lead to Online Success

Standing out online has never been more difficult. How digital marketing presented itself even just 10 years ago is very different to what companies must do now. Today, there are estimated to be 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide, which brings great opportunity but also fierce competition.

Technology and online platforms seem to be in hyperdrive when it comes to changing and adapting to trends across the world. That can make it tricky to keep up, but one thing is for sure; effective images and visuals make a world of difference to online success. Let’s take a closer look at how to create effective images for digital content.

How impressive visuals create digital marketing success

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that rings true now as much as ever. Humans process images in 13 milliseconds, while the average reading speed is between 200-250 words per minute. That time difference is huge and it’s just the beginning for visuals.

Online readers are more drawn to content that is supported by images and they are 65% more likely to retain that information versus content without imagery. Digital marketing with visuals instantly becomes more engaging, and images like infographics can tell a story in a fraction of the time.

Choosing your visual format

As far as digital marketing is concerned, there are three main types of visuals to consider; pictures, videos and infographics. The success of a marketing piece may well come down to choosing the right medium.

Pictures have long been used to showcase brands in a good light. They are best used to support articles but need to be of a high caliber. It’s important to use good quality camera and lighting equipment to make products look like a million dollars.

Pictures are a great marketing choice for:

  • Making a physical product look its best
  • Creating connections to products through real people

Videos are now essential for most digital marketing strategies. From TV adverts to social media posts, it’s easier to tell a story and convey better vibes through video content. Through the use of a social media influencer, you can bring your brand to large audiences who otherwise may have been out of reach to you.

Videos are great for:

  • Short, sharp messages
  • Quickly telling a story
  • Reaching greater numbers through social media

Infographics help to break down complex information into an easy-to-read and visually pleasing format. They can take large data samples, convert them into graphical information and convey a message in a fraction of the time it would take to simply read it.

Infographics are great for:

  • Supporting your message with data
  • Displaying lots of information in a readable way
  • Conveying complex topics simply

Powerful visual content can showcase your story

Whether you’re thinking of digital or traditional marketing, one thing remains essential; powerful visual content. Images can tell a story in a fraction of the time it takes to read a block of text, which makes them a strong tool in conveying your brand’s story to consumers.

Whether your core values are to be environmentally friendly, inclusive or high-end, your visuals set the tone. Being able to quickly discover and comprehend your story allows people to buy into your brand from the moment they see your digital branding and marketing.

Where you tell your story matters

Having great visuals is one thing but making sure the right people see them is another. It’s important to understand the audience demographics of the websites, social media platforms and video services you may be using.

For example, a high-end fashion brand might want to do a large portion of its digital marketing on visual social networks such as Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok. However, the content produced for each of those platforms may need to vary.

In this case, Pinterest’s content is largely made up of photographs, while TikTok uses short videos and Instagram, with 2 billion users, combines both. Each platform has its pros and cons, so it’s important to factor in the need for different content when creating a digital marketing strategy.

Drawing people in from the first click

Getting traffic to your website through marketing campaigns can feel like an uphill battle so turning folks away with undesirable visuals is counterproductive. Your web landing page is important as it is the first thing potential customers will see when they arrive at your site from successful marketing. Your website should be visually engaging in a way that speaks to customers and not completely detached from the rest of your branding or marketing aesthetics.

Leveling up your product pages

Intuitive web design allows customers to gain an experience from your website that they might expect if you owned a physical store. So, a luxury car brand might focus on amazing photographs and videos of its mechanical masterpieces in action.

On the other hand, a company selling machine parts will require a functional website that displays its products in an organized manner for ease of viewing. However, no matter what your products or services are, creating strong visuals is imperative. If you don’t think you can do your brand justice with your own photography skills then consider hiring a professional.

Adding alt tags to product pages with appropriate descriptions that do not ‘stuff’ keywords to your images increases your SEO ranking.

Adding personal touches

Customers make easier connections with brands if they can see the real people behind them. Something as simple as adding an ‘About Us’ page to your website can begin building trust with potential customers.

Sharing images of leadership teams and members of staff allows people visiting your website to see the human side of your business. They add credibility to a website, making users less fearful that they could fall victim to an online scam or phishing scheme.

Great visuals lead to a healthy online experience

Ultimately, the effective use of images leads to a better consumer experience. Whether that be through an attention-grabbing piece of digital marketing or something on your website that resonates with a customer, it all matters.

It’s important to acknowledge that whenever you are using images for any of your online marketing or branding that they should be of high quality and considered toward your target audience.

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