Several Ways Cryptocurrencies Can Be Used Today

Cryptocurrencies represent a paradigm shift in the financial sector, with many implications and big impacts probably yet to come or be discovered. Yet, besides their theoretical value, there are a number of scenarios in which cryptocurrencies can be useful to the average person already today: ensuring privacy/anonymity when using specific online services; maximally anonymizing purchases; … Read more →

Should My Business Accept Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency as Payment?

Over the last year the value and interest in cryptocurrency like bitcoin has skyrocketed, and with that people have started asking more and more questions about the potential pros and cons of the potential global currency. Many of the people wondering about cryptocurrency are those in the world of business as they work to determine … Read more →

Earn $100,000 using your cat – future of Blockchain gaming

Every tech giant in the past had a digital game to support brand’s value and showcase it’s true potential. Social networks had FarmVille, mobile games had Angry Birds. Being the next big thing, Blockchain isn’t an exception. Introducing CryptoKitties – a digital version of Pokemon card game and the first real decentralized Blockchain gaming experience. … Read more →

The Imperative Role of Blockchain Technology across Various Domains

Blockchain technology is a rapidly growing technology which is turning heads for millions in the crypto currency industry. Many organizations have been investing in it and testing its abilities in hopes of finding incredible results. In layman’s terms, blockchain technology is a form of a shared ledger which is accessible to the general public through … Read more →

How is Blockchain Technology Reshaping Enterprise World?

Blockchain, the technology that entered the market as the backbone of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, is now eking out space in a wide range of industries and fields. The technology is gradually disrupting different business verticals, such as Finance, Supply Chain, Healthcare, Real Estate, Media, Entertainment, Government, etc. Blockchain technology is not just adding value to … Read more →

TechPatio now blogs about Cryptocurrency – also open for guest authors

Blockchain and cryptocurrency has become more and more mainstream in recent years and we can also feel the interest is rising. Therefor we have decided to create a new category here on TechPatio, called Cryptocurrency. In this new category we will blog about crypto related things, including blockchain, Bitcoin, altcoins etc. Guest authors are of … Read more →

What is Bitcoin?

It’s hard not to hear about Bitcoin – the cryptocurrency has been grabbing international headlines for the past six months. Price surges have seen early investors reap serious rewards, causing a flood of money into the market. But many people still have one question: What is Bitcoin? In essence, Bitcoin is an exchangeable digital currency … Read more →

National Cryptocurrencies 101

Every beginning trader prefers to invest in top 5 – 10 cryptocurrencies. The more globally widespread a currency is, the higher its liquidity and the lower its volatility. Nevertheless, there are quite a few altcoins whose target audience is deliberately limited. These are cryptocurrencies with regional branding created to solve specific local tasks. Even now … Read more →

How governments are reacting to the rise of cryptocurrencies

The rapid rise and growth of cryptocurrencies in 2017 has prompted governments around the world to take a closer look at cryptocurrencies as well as the blockchain technology which provides the backend for this revolutionary form of digital currency. Governments across the world have certain rules and regulations put in place to control transactions occurring … Read more →

Web Currency Bitcoin Leaves Many Scratching Their Heads

There’s an interesting market that’s opened up lately and it has left many people scratching their heads: Bitcoins. Bitcoins are a type of currency. Most every country has their own currency or has adopted another country’s money as their own. These real-world currencies are backed by central banks, governments, and other organizations that give the … Read more →