5 developments we can expect in blockchain tech in the next few years

A blockchain is an incredibly powerful shared global infrastructure, able to move value around and represent the ownership of property. It is named ‘blockchain’ because it comprises several transaction groups called ‘block’, with the ‘blockchain’ being the result of the linear sequence that these blocks form. All blocks are cryptographically linked to one another in … Read more →

Futuristic Construction Technologies

Everyone knows technology plays a crucial role in today’s day and age. Not only that we use technology in our everyday lives but large companies use it for their core business operations. This is the case with the construction industry as well and we keep seeing new construction technology trends emerging on a regular basis. … Read more →

Microsoft Shows “Minority Report” Look-Alike Office Wall

Microsoft Research just showed a prototype of how our office walls might look like in the future, based on their Microsoft Surface thoughts – having surfaces around us become part of our lives. The system is based on cameras, microphones and touchscreens and works a lot like the systems you would have seen in movies … Read more →