Follow-up: Intro to Web hosting – so, how’s TechPatio hosted?

Last week I wrote a quick introduction to the different kinds of web hosting you might come across as a webmaster or blog owner. Today I thought I would share a quick note about what kind of web hosting TechPatio has been going through. When was first launched in the Summer of 2009, it … Read more →

Quick introduction to the different kinds of web hosting

If you’re new to being a webmaster or a blogger, it might be confusing to figure out what kind of web hosting you should purchase for your website. Here’s a quick introduction to the most used types of web hosting you are likely to encounter in your search for the perfect web host. Linux Hosting … Read more →

A Brief Introduction to Domain Names and How To Find & Register One

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you will know that we occasionally publish articles on blog-related stuff, such as picking a web host, which blogging platform to choose and so on. Now it’s time to look into domain names, as they also have quite an important role in your online blogging business – … Read more →

Web Hosting Hub – Get your website online in minutes!

I’ve said it several times before and I’ll say it again – if you’re just a tiny bit serious about your website, blog or whatever it is that you’re having online, you’ll want to have it hosted somewhere where you have control over your website and you’re not putting all your eggs in a basket … Read more →