1: Fluid Width Layouts
Using the fluid width technique will make you website adaptable and easy to fit well with any kind of resolutions and platforms. Thus, these two characteristics of fluid width makes your website to be dragged or squeezed into any type and kind of browsers also, wither on your PC, laptop, tablet PC, or mobile phone. You will only be changing the width property and percentage on the CSS styling sheet to make your website compatible on your mobile phone.
2: Reduce Ads and keep pages short and compact
When you have more number of ads on your website, the user will land up viewing more of the ads than your website content, which is not good while you browse over the mobile browser. Adopting and asking your website to be switched to a more mobile friendly interface.
In addition, try to minimize the content on your pages will enable the user to view the whole page of the website at a single go and is much easier to view on lower speed and size limitations while browsing using your mobile.
3: Short and Sensible Links
It is easy to type shorter links, especially on you mobile browser than the longer links, which makes editing much more difficult. Shorter domain names are easier to remember, and the longer links could be shortened into smaller links, which makes them easy to browse using your mobile. You can get the best length of the website that is to be mobile friendly URL can have the length of the URL that you will be able to tweet onto your twitter account.
4: Fully navigation compatible
Making your website browsing experience more mobile and user friendly by navigation will provide you with a good browsing experience than searching within the pages by typing onto search engines. Despite the fact of having QWERTY keypad onto mobile or a virtual keypad on your tablet PC, typing the search engines website is not a good option and is not much user-friendly. Clicking a link to open a website is more user-friendly than typing through a search engine to reach the desired page of the website.
5: Javascript works more efficient than Flash
Flash is cool on your website, looks great on your website, and gives an enhanced browsing experience on your PC or laptop, Flash is still not friendly like Javascript, which is much more user-friendly. Moreover, Javascript is the most commonly and widely used platform for mobile website development. Therefore, when you are designing website content with Flash for your PC or laptop, keep in mind that concurrently using Javascript alternative for the same content in a website will make the webpage much more compliant with the varied mobile platforms.
Guest article written by: Saksham works for GO-Globe.com, a Guangzhou web design Company that provides web design solutions in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Beijing.
Excellent stuff. I having been looking for great tips and advices on how to make a website mobile friendly and this one certainly fits the bill. I was wondering if there was nay “plugin” that you can also recommend to make it even friendlier. I know about WP Touch but it appears to have some issues of compatibility with certain themes.
Reduce loading time and size of the site as much as possible. One tip I can add in here.
If you are an iPhone or iPad user then anything written in flash will not be visible, that sure is a lot of people to exclude from viewing your site!
Hi.. can you please suggest me with the best and free plugin wor WordPress to make mobile version of my blog? thanks in advance. I’m a new blogger..
One other thing I might add, many mobile devices, though they may be on fast connections, do not have enough memory to quickly and easily display graphics-intensive sites. As such, keep the number of images to a minimum and use other typographic-related elements to design the site.
I just installed one and it works flawlessly on my blog. It’s only for iPhone and iPod though (with Safari browser). It’s called iWPhone
Your tips are really great. Making site mobile friendly is a worthy thing to do to maintain a good flow of work. Thanks for your suggestions.
Awesome post.Thank you for the 5 tips on how to make your site mobile friendly.Another new interesting thing I found and I really want to try this.
Awesome tips, thank you for sharing with us the 5 tips on how to make site mobile really friendly.
Some web solutions are coming out with an automatically mobile version of the website to make it simple for mobile devices to view website content. Plus there are other websites that create a custom mobile site. Do you think either of these are a good idea? Do you have a preference on which one makes more sense?
Is there any plugin to make any wordpress site mobile friendly?
Making websites mobile-friendly is a good idea. If at times, we are not able to access any info using laptop, accessing it through mobile makes it very convenient. Thanks for this blog, it really helped me!