Using Tech to Find Activities this Bank Holiday Weekend

With the UK getting a three-day weekend, many families will be looking to get away for a few days and take advantage of what’s left of this “summer” (if you can call it a summer, I remember it being sunny for a couple of hours). However, as is true UK-bank holiday tradition, the chances are that the weather won’t play ball and you could find yourself stuck inside yet again. Unless, of course, you make some plans and say “right, we’re going no matter what.”But what can you do that hasn’t already been done? After all the kids have been off school for around a month now and they’ve done the cinema, they’ve played all of the PlayStation or Xbox games they own and their mates have gone away on holiday leaving them nobody to play football with in the park or go shopping with. It’s inevitable that at some point over the weekend you will hear those dreaded words “I’m bored” so here are a few ideas to get them out of the house, and a few to keep them entertained inside WHEN it rains, (because it’s only a matter of time).

Games Contests

With you all sitting at home watching the rain bounce off the windows, you could try switching on the Wii or another games console where you can get multi-player games, and challenge the whole family. The Wii is perfect for this as you can get everyone bowling, playing golf of tennis – throwing a competitive element in with plenty of fun, (especially when your golf-mad Dad keeps finding the rough).

Finding New Apps

The majority of families will own at least one smartphone or tablet computer between them, so go in search of some of the apps you might not have played before, or even heard of. Browsing the free downloads is a great starting point because you can establish whether or not it’s of interest to you without being out of pocket. Then, if it is, you can upgrade to the paid for version. There are plenty of great free gaming apps available, like Draw Something to name just one, which lets you get creative and keep your friends and family guessing.


There are always tons of new films coming out. The latest Batman film has just been released, and who doesn’t love a good comic-turned-silver-screen film? With plenty of rom-coms available too and movies for kids, you’re sure to find something that takes your fancy – or something you might not have thought would be your thing. With family trips to the cinema proving to be increasingly expensive though, (like everything nowadays), searching the net for [tp lang=”en” only=”y”]promo codes[/tp][tp not_in=”en”]promo codes[/tp] could allow you to get discounted entry, or passes to come back regularly.

At the end of the day it’s all about using your imagination. Go back to your childhood and remember some of the best games you played – the majority were probably made up by you and your friends. Put your mind to the test and take advantage of the great outdoors, amazing new technologies and good old British summer weather!

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