Google Chrome OS Will Be Found On Computers From Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo etc.

Google recently announced their new operating system, Chrome OS, based on Linux. Now they have also come out with some information as to which computer makes will be using their new operating system, Chrome OS. So far they already have agreements with companies such as Acer, Adobe, Asus, Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo, Texas Instruments and Toshiba. Google … Read more →

icloud – free operating system in The Cloud

One of the important buzz words of the year is still “cloud”. Meaning, to store your data in the cloud. Out there, up there, down there, wherever the servers might be located now a days. It’s also pretty clever, you get access to your data whenever, wherever, without having to use your own computer.

The ability to always have access to everything you need, pictures, movies, contacts, calender and so on, is the vision behind icloud, which provides you with a free operating system in the cloud. All you need is a web browser.

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Vulnerability in Microsoft ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Yesterday Microsoft announced that they are investigating a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Video ActiveX Control. If an attacker success in exploiting this vulnerability, he could gain the same rights as the local user. And now to the “sad” (and some what expected) part: When using Internet Explorer it could all happen without you knowing it, it’s done remote and does not require any user intervention.

Microsoft recommends that Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 customers remove support for this ActiveX Control within Internet Explorer. Though unaffected, they also recommend that Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 customers apply the same measures.

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So Long, Safari 4, It’s Been Fun. Welcome, Firefox 3.5!

It’s been a nice few weeks with Safari 4.0 and 4.0.1, when I first switched from Firefox to the new Safari. At first I missed all my Firefox add-ons, but I learned to surf without them, thanks to the speed and “ease of use” in Safari, plus it was very reliable and didn’tget amazingly slow … Read more →

Read It Later: Useful Firefox Add-on & iPhone App

Are you also that kinda web surfer who tends to open up a bunch of tabs with interesting stuff you want to read or study later on and eventually wind up having those tabs in your Firefox browser for weeks, without reading them? Believe me, it’s possible – some of my 15-20 always-open tabs in Firefox is more than 6 months old, simply because I wanted to read them but never got around to it.

Until now.

Thanks to Read It Later I now have 2 amazing features in just one product, one being the free Firefox add-on and one being a paid iPhone app (there’s a free version also, with less features).

Let’s cut to the chase.

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Useful Firefox add-ons (extensions) you cannot live without

Firefox logoThere’s a 22% chance you’re using Firefox, and since you’re actually reading this, you’re probably a bit more tech savvy than the average Internet user, so you’re most likely using Firefox (or Safari, but sometimes Firefox, am I right?). Let’s get on with it – here’s some Firefox add-ons, or extensions if you will, that I can’t live without, can you…?

Adblock Plus

This one is tricky. Advertisements are what keeps lots of the Internet free now a days, so blocking the ads is not the best thing to do. With that said, some sites simply overdo with ads – way too much. Use Adblock Plus to block the overwhelming ads you’re certain you don’t want to see, e.g. flash banners and such. But don’t forget to actually click on some of the ads you see, just to support the site owner and show your appreciation. It doesn’t cost you anything and only takes a second. I do this myself sometimes, even in YouTube videos, if the advertisement is just a little bit interesting.

» Adblock Plus

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