The New Twitter

As an example of how to finish the year strong and make 2012 a fresh start, Twitter rolled out the microblog’s most extensive overhaul ever last month. TweetDeck got tweaked, the website’s been reorganized, the iOS and Android apps were updated, and some new icons have popped up. Unlike the mass revolts that take place … Read more →

How To Make Me UnFollow You On Twitter

When I decide who to follow on Twitter, it’s usually a mix of some of the following parameters: Their ratio of following/followers Their amount of followers The language they tweet in What they tweet about (topics) How often they tweet How many RT’s How many useless quotes from “famous people” And then I also look … Read more →

Google Wave Invitations – Come And Get’em, They’re Still Free!

Google Wave is a rather new and fancy product from Google that’s still in preview and so it’s not possible to join it instantly. You can, however, get invited and get access faster than if you apply directly at Google. Google Wave is a shared workspace where you can discuss stuff, work, communicate with friends, … Read more →