Facebook: World’s 4th Most Visited Website. Google: Brand Value $100 Billion

Facebook - World's 4th Most Visited WebsiteIn just one year, Facebook has seen a phenomenal growth in the number of visits.

Today there are 208 million more people visiting Facebook, than there was just a year ago. 24 million more visits last month makes Facebook the fourth most popular site in the world and the most popular site that has nothing to do with “searching”. According to ComScore, Facebook had 340 million unique visits in June.

Facebook’s position on the most visisted websites in the world list are extra noteworthy as the others on the list own a large number of popular sites. For example Wikimedia is in fifth place with Wikipedia, 303 million visits.

In 2nd place we find Microsoft / MSN with 691 million unique visits. Yahoo follows in 3rd place with 581 million unique visits.

Can you guess what company owns most visited websites in the world, with 844 million unique visits in June? If you said “Google”, you’d be right. YouTube visits etc. are included in the Google rank, so the 844 million visits is not only to the search engine itself. ComScore expects Google to reach one billion unique visits a month before the end of this year.

Google - most visited website in the world

Besides being ranked at number one on the list of most visited websites, Google is also, still, number one at the BrandZ Top 100 list. According to the list, Google’s brand is worth $100 billion. Last year the value was said to be 86 billion dollars, making it a 16% increase.

Microsoft’s brand value increased 8% to $76.2 billion which is good enough for a 2nd place on the BrandZ Top 100 list.

Some other companies worth mentioning: Coca-Cola, $67.6 billion. IBM, $66.6 billion and Apple, $66.1 billion.

I’ll let you know when TechPatio.com makes it to the top 10 on the “most visited websites in the world”-list. Stay tuned!

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4 thoughts on “Facebook: World’s 4th Most Visited Website. Google: Brand Value $100 Billion”

  1. More and more I feel as if I’m missing something by not having a Facebook account. There is much fun and networking to be done there. Yet I really, really don’t want to reconnect with everyone I knew in high school and early jobs – time has a way of distilling my relationships down to the ones I really want to maintain. Do they let you make an account for just a blog instead of a real first and last name? Or I guess I could join as Christie Bytes.

  2. I’d probably join with my real name if I were you, Christie. You can set up some pretty simple, or advanced, privacy filters. Like if you only want your current friends – and family – to be able to find you, add you and connect with you.

    Then you can either create a group or “fan page” for your blog. If you create a group, I believe your name will be listed as an admin, but if you create a fan page, then your name will not be listed anywhere – at least that’s the case with a fan page I once created. The fan page also allows you to send out facebook messages to your fans and lots more.

  3. am really impressed with d performance of facebbok.they have made the site so user-friendly.love playing scrabble a lot whenever i visit


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