Simple Ways to Relax and Prevent Stress Buildup

No matter who you ask, there’s really no way one can avoid the stress of daily life. School, work, responsibilities at home, deadlines, family, friends, even your monthly bills – all of these can potentially create stress. Daily stressors are a part of life and these can pile up if we don’t do anything about … Read more →

Proactive tips for staying productive

Many times, we experience a phase where we wonder at ourselves. Wonder in terms of fluctuations in our productivity levels. Once we considered ourselves super active and efficient. Then suddenly experience a plunge. And we find ourselves in a situation where we start performing far below our own expectations. Don’t worry, it’s just a phase, … Read more →

Amazing Techniques to Boost your Blogging Career and Health Alike

As a techie, you will spend most of your time online trying to keep up with technological advancements. Bloggers too spend hours online. It is with no doubt that internet technologies come with impressive features and makes blogging fun. However, there are many health risks that have been associated with blogging including risks of obesity … Read more →

Friday Flick Find: HotForWords @ Yoga Time!

Today I’d like to introduce you to 28 year old Marina Orlova – also known as HotForWords.

Marina is one of those YouTube people with hundreds of videos and more than 250,000 YouTube subscribers. Not bad. Besides being a YouTube celebrity, she’s also a philologist (one who studies linguistics and etymology) and that’s pretty much what most of her videos are about – she investigates words and phrases and teaches her audience about them.

But that’s not all.

In this video, she not only teaches us about the expression “fight or flight”, she also teaches us about how the adrenalin released by the brain can turn into stress and anxiety, and gives an example on how one can “turn off” the brain and relax.

I decided early this week that I wanted to feature a HotForWords video this Friday, only problem was, I didn’t know which one. With almost 500 videos it would take me a day to watch them all – so I decided to go with the highest rated video she ever made, Yoga Time!

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