The Evolution of Banking Trojans

Present-day criminals needn’t hack high-end bank vaults or engage in credit card skimming to steal money. While undoubtedly benign and useful on the whole, the rapid rise of advanced IT solutions over past few years has got a flip side – it allows threat actors to take their tactics a notch further. In domains where … Read more →

8 Fantastic Tools to Safeguard Your P.C: Which One Do You Like?

In today’s era of high-tech developments, the most unsecure place has turned out to be the Internet. Companies like Kaspersky, Carbonite, Microsoft and Norton are trying to make their mark in the internet security market, while serving the needs of users at the same time. However, there are some marvelous tools that we never get … Read more →

Don’t Get Fooled by Rogueware

Anyone who is familiar with using a computer knows that viruses, spyware and malwares are dangerous.  There are many possible things that can or will happen if their computer gets infected. Some of the probable outcomes will be that they will likely lose a lot of files, their programs won’t run, their computer won’t start … Read more →

New Trojan Horse Could Take Your Internet Connection Hostage

The antivirus experts at CA have stumbled upon a new trojan horse in the “ransomware” category. That’s the category for software that will demand a ransom, as the name implies. This Russian trojan horse appears to be a download manager called “uFast Download Manager”. Once you launch it, a message will inform you that you’ve … Read more →

Are Computer Viruses Spread By The Media?

If you believe what you hear in the media, there are an awful lot of viruses going around. No, I’m not talking about the make-you-sick kind of virus, though they get plenty of airtime too, especially the swine flu. I’m talking about the kind of virus that enters via your Internet connection rather than your … Read more →