9 Online Security Tips For Beginners

Tip 1 Use HTTPS! URLs that begin with ‘http’ are NEVER secure. Always use sites that begin with ‘https’. They have stronger security protocols which means that you are safe and your current session on the browser is encrypted. Without HTTPS, bad guys can intercept your session using tools like Firesheep. Tip 2: Keep your … Read more →

Norton 360 Exclusive Features That Will Make You Smile

Protecting your computer isn’t, and never should be, a game between you and the bad guys. You know, the ones that create the phishing emails and web sites, the spam, the spyware, the malware and the viruses. With the wrong software it can be just that: a game. But if you want to win permanently … Read more →

Top 5 Ways to Improve your Internet Security

With the Internet evolving continuously, it’s exponentially important to ensure our [tp lang=”en” only=”y”]online security[/tp][tp not_in=”en”]online security[/tp] is at its maximum. With viruses, identity theft and phishing scams all threatening our Internet experience, we need to ensure that our home network is fortified with online security software that can keep these nasties at bay. This is where … Read more →

5 useful Android utilities

Tablets and smartphones with their features are slowly taking the place of their older “colleagues”, desktop PCs, and as we are definitely entering a Post PC era customers are becoming aware that their tablets can be used for a big amount of tasks which were familiar only to desktop and laptop PCs. The hardware and … Read more →

Top Mac Antivirus Applications and Why You Need Any of Them

Mac Defender: The First Major Mac Threat? In May 2011, the Apple company encouraged its users to use added internet security protection. Why? Because of a new threat named Mac Defender. Mac Defender is a program that functions like a real spyware removal client. It will present itself as a pop up telling you that … Read more →

8 Fantastic Tools to Safeguard Your P.C: Which One Do You Like?

In today’s era of high-tech developments, the most unsecure place has turned out to be the Internet. Companies like Kaspersky, Carbonite, Microsoft and Norton are trying to make their mark in the internet security market, while serving the needs of users at the same time. However, there are some marvelous tools that we never get … Read more →

What Level of Measure Should Parents Put into Online Security?

There have been many questions about how importantly parents should take the security of their kids’ when they are on the internet. Many have debated that monitoring your kids and having to suggest to them what to do online is completely unrealistic, but we cannot disregard the fact that un-guarded use of the internet also … Read more →

The Importance of Security Software for Computers

Security is an important issue with computers these days because of the overabundance of virus and malwares that threatens not only the operating system, but also your files.  Viruses and malwares are practically being released on a daily basis that you would want an excellent antivirus program to protect your computer.  However, choosing an antivirus … Read more →

5 Best Security Suites for Windows

PC users no longer have to purchase individual programs to ensure total protection. The latest internet security software is available in suites, providing antivirus, antispyware, firewalls and additional features that not only protect a computer from malicious programs, but also offer spam inhibitors, parental controls and cloaking technology to ensure privacy and protect identity. There … Read more →