Blockchain Jobs: Everything You Need To Know

Today we are going to talk about jobs related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain and the professional career dedicated to this technology. If you are thinking of directing your professional life towards the blockchain, this article can be very helpful. The cryptocurrency market is incredibly large, with a value of $191 billion, it obviously needs a large … Read more →

Research and verification of decentralized digital identity based on blockchain :

The traditional centralized identity management system has many drawbacks. For example, the owner of the digital identity does not genuinely control their identity, and there is a risk of easy leakage and misuse of identity information. With the popularity of digital activities, digital identity is particularly important as the basis for digital activities. Therefore, after … Read more →

The World’s Second Popular Cryptocurrency Ethereum just Got a Lot Greener

Ethereum, the world’s second most valuable cryptocurrency, has just undergone a revamp. The cryptocurrency has recently had a massive software upgrade, with its backers claiming it will reduce its carbon footprint. Named as “The Merge”, the long-awaited revamp will slash Ethereum’s energy consumption by almost 99.95%, according to Ethereum Foundation, a nonprofit organization committed to … Read more →

Blockchain Gaming in 2022: Play-to-Earn, Gamification, Interoperability, and Major Publishers

  Along with NFTs, video games are the leading segment of the blockchain industry in terms of usage. One other variable for gamification that is to be considered is the blockchain category that permits others.  Major game developers are starting to see the potential of the blockchain and crypto industries. Whether it’s a home computer, … Read more →

These 10 Cryptocurrencies have a Brighter Future than Bitcoin in 2023

When it comes to cryptocurrencies, the first thing that comes to mind is the name “Bitcoin”. Bitcoin is the first-ever decentralized cryptocurrency in the world. A cryptocurrency is a kind of digital asset that uses public-key cryptography to record, sign and send transactions over the blockchain – all done without the need of a central … Read more →

NFT Marketplace Is So Famous, But Why?

  Non-fungible Token or NFT actually emerged in 2017 and has evolved over the years. From its very beginning to today, the cost of the NFT is increasing dramatically. Due to the NFTs integrated with blockchain network and having a robust security algorithm naturally, it assists creators worldwide to sell their digital arts at the … Read more →

Lessons Learned: Social Media Platforms and Blockchain Mass Adoption

The inception of blockchain as a solution to secure data is a welcome change. All the more now, as social media platforms have leveraged their pervasive presence to abuse people’s privacy constantly. It is a fact. A fact that has attracted massive public outcry in the last few years.  Just last year itself, Facebook came … Read more →

What exactly is a Blockchain?

Blockchain overview Definition of blockchain:  The blockchain is a shared and immutable ledger that facilitates the transaction registration process, and makes it easy to track assets in a corporate network. An asset can be divided into two types.  A tangible asset like a house, a car, money, land, and intangible assets like intellectual property, patents, … Read more →

Blockchain scalability issues and the solutions offered by Layer 2 protocols

At the dawn of the blockchain age, Layer 1 laid the foundation for what has become one of the revolutionary industries in this Millenium. Layer 1 is the underlying main blockchain architecture. Ethereum and Bitcoin chains are considered Layer 1 and although these chains kickstarted the blockchain industry into gear, evolution is inevitable. As a … Read more →

A Guide to the Top 3 Concepts of Blockchain Technology

Source: Blockchain technology is one of the hot topics now. Here are the three key concepts that will be useful if you are venturing into Blockchain applications development. 1. Smart Contracts With an ever-increasing number of organizations putting resources into blockchain innovations, it is fundamental for associations to dive further into a smart contract … Read more →