AI-Powered Video Editors Start the Innovation of Video Editing 

Artificial Intelligence is now a critical part of video marketing strategies as advances in AI and machine learning is empowering marketers to streamline, accelerate their video production workflows and create targeted content with fewer resources quickly. AI provides organizations with a chance to tailor their content and devise an effective strategy through analytics, thus leading … Read more →

Artificial Intelligence For IT & Business Operations – A Beginner’s Guide

In the recent years, communication technologies have overcome the roadblocks across various sectors resulting in the emergence of revolutionary devices where the communication highly empowers interaction between humans and machines. Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has successfully revolutionized the human-machine interaction and vice-versa, thereby allowing machines to interpret, interact, and respond meaningfully. Business Intelligence is one … Read more →

How AI Can Elevate Your Operation & Service Management?

AI’s impact on operation and service is evident. The algorithms embedded into apps for organizational processes are doing miracles for businesses. It automates mundane tasks, speeds up deliveries, and accelerates the scope of profits too. And, that’s gigantic succor for operations and service management.  “Organizations are now convinced of the benefits that AI can bring. … Read more →

Three Ways an Artificial Intelligence Help Desk Can Help Your Business

If there’s one aspect or department of modern companies that’s begging for change and evolution, it’s traditional IT help desks. IT specialists in most companies are overworked and inundated with tickets every day. These large numbers of tickets not only put IT professionals under pressure they also cost businesses a lot. In the past, many … Read more →

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Trends in 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are two trending buzzwords in the technology world that everyone has heard about. We are in fact surrounded by AI/ML-run gadgets in our day to day life. Amazon’s Alexa to IBM’s Watson and everything else in between has adopted AI/ML to a large extent.  AI and ML are … Read more →

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Software Development

Software is the foundation of all the advancements we see in our lives. Software development technologies have witnessed a massive transformation over the last few years. Businesses have adopted almost every emerging technology in their software development, and Artificial Intelligence is no exception. The influence of artificial Intelligence on software development changes how enterprises run … Read more →

7 Signs Your Business Needs Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is one of the most innovative technologies changing the way businesses operate. If your business is not yet implementing artificial intelligence, read on, and we’ll talk about some of the signs that it’s about time for a change!  You Waste Time Doing Manual Tasks  It might seem a cliché, but time is indeed … Read more →

The Urgent Need for Digital Businesses to Get AI Service Desk Software

Basic level 1 desktop IT support costs businesses a lot of time and money. Most modern-day businesses can be deemed ‘digital.’ They take and execute client orders via digital platforms. Hence, to meet the fast-paced requirements of digital businesses, employee support requests need to be addressed at machine speeds. Human effort is way too slow. … Read more →

How AI is Transforming the Modern Healthcare System

Artificial intelligence in the healthcare industry uses different algorithms and software to estimate human knowledge when it is analyzing complicated information connected to finding software solutions for healthcare. Artificial intelligence-based programs are used for understanding how using medical prevention or treatment methods is related to the final result. The medical industry is the main point … Read more →

Five Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Technology That May Change Your Perspective

Introduction: Artificial intelligence has become the buzzword in the business community of the 21st century. While AI is not a new concept, it has opened up a whole world of new possibilities. But, why is there so much buzz about Artificial intelligence? Probably, because artificial intelligence has the potential to solve a myriad of issues … Read more →

How far AI Has Come in the IT World

Computers are inanimate things, and, as such, they cannot process the world around them. Therefore, they depend on humans for data entry. However, the problem with humans is that they are subjective, prone to errors and have limited knowledge on certain issues. For artificial intelligence to truly reach its full potential, both hardware and software … Read more →

5 Advantages of Chatbots in the Healthcare Industry

AI-based chatbot technology has been revolutionary in the healthcare industry. The industry has adopted this technology because it offers many tremendous advantages. It has the potential to lower costs and improve patient outcomes. An AI-enhanced chatbot is a program that can communicate with users on a website in the place of a human. Depending on … Read more →

3 Practical Ways to Implement AI Into Your Marketing Strategy 

AI is currently all the rage. Clearly there’s a lot of hype around it, but this surging technology is much more than another fad. Artificial intelligence is changing the way we do business and marketing is no exception. From content to customer support and advertising, organizations in various fields are increasingly adopting AI to gain … Read more →

Google is the Top Company Researching Autonomous Driving Vehicles 

The Autonomous Vehicle market was reached $54.23 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach $556.67 billion in 2026 with a CAGR of 39.47%. As a result, more than 250 companies including car manufacturing, tech companies, and service providers are researching autonomous vehicles.  Besides that, there are multiple startups also doing research on self-driving technology.  … Read more →