Ready for iPhone iOS 4.1 update tomorrow?

Well, you don’t have to do anything, really. It’s just a matter of hitting that “Update”-button in your shiny new iTunes 10 and you’re good to go. But now that you’re here anyway, let me just real quick highlight some of the new things you can look forward to trying out sometime during tomorrow once … Read more →

Wrapup: Apple Music Event September 1st – iOS, iPods, AppleTV, AirPlay

Steve Jobs and Apple just wrapped up their September 1st music event in San Francisco, showing us the next two updates to iOS, new iPods, new AppleTV, new iTunes, new AirPlay (previously AirTunes) and a new social media site called Ping. Here’s a complete overview of all that has happened in the 1.5 hour long … Read more →

Apple Live Video Streaming of September 1st Event – for Mac’s & iOS only!

Awesome! For the first time since early 2000, I think, Apple is back with online streaming from one of their events and it’s all going to happen today/tonight (depending on where in the world you’re located, it’s tonight for me). An interesting twist though, Apple’s press release on the matter states that: Apple® will broadcast … Read more →

iSuppli: Android to Outstrip iPhone in 2012

More Android-based smartphones were sold in Q1 2010 than iPhones, on the North American market. A trend, which according to iSuppli, will continue so we’ll see more Android smartphones in 2012 than iPhone OS. In 2012, iSuppli believes that Android will be on 75 million smartphones and Apple’s iOS on 62 million devices. Obviously Android … Read more →

iPhone 4 Unlock Now Available – And It Couldn’t Be Easier!

I don’t jailbreak. I’m not against jailbreaking but I don’t do it myself and I don’t recommend it to anyone. Those who are tech savvy enough to jailbreak, will figure it out by themselves sooner or later. With that said, I was curious to try out the recent iPhone 4 jailbreak – and unlock by … Read more →

Got my iPhone 4!!! So, what about the antenna? Video inside…

I finally got my iPhone 4 after having ordered it on launch day, July 30th. Thanks to a friend of mine in Denmark who ordered it with a contract, I bought it from him as he was satisfied with his current iPhone 3GS and didn’t mind extending his contract with another six months. Lucky me. … Read more →

iPhone 4 Wrapup from WWDC ’10 San Francisco

Steve Jobs just left the WWDC ’10 stage in San Francisco after having showed us the new iPhone, iPhone 4, and iPhone OS 4 which has now been renamed to iOS 4. Most of the iPhone 4 things we already knew thanks to the whole “I lost my iPhone in a bar”-story. Some questions were … Read more →