Are You The One Who Love Big Screens?

With internet access and mobile phone ownership skyrocketing around the world, it is no wonder that the way we enjoy media and entertainment is also changing today. If you love watching media on larger screens but currently only own a mobile phone, knowing the pros and cons of connecting your device and the methods to … Read more →

Five situations where having a high speed internet connection can be very handy

There is nothing more frustrating than having a slow broadband connection when you are in a hurry. Wanting to get something done quickly and yet your computer doesn’t seem to appreciate the haste in which you need to achieve your goal. There are numerous reasons as to why you would want to speed up your … Read more →

Smart TV: A New Era in Entertainment

Smart TV also known as Connected TV is a new breed of intelligent devices which offer entertainment like never before. Similar to Smart Phones these devices can be hooked up to the internet giving the viewers access to the content earlier available on the computers and the smartphones only. With a Smart TV you can … Read more →