Friday Flick Find: HotForWords @ Yoga Time!

Today I’d like to introduce you to 28 year old Marina Orlova – also known as HotForWords.

Marina is one of those YouTube people with hundreds of videos and more than 250,000 YouTube subscribers. Not bad. Besides being a YouTube celebrity, she’s also a philologist (one who studies linguistics and etymology) and that’s pretty much what most of her videos are about – she investigates words and phrases and teaches her audience about them.

But that’s not all.

In this video, she not only teaches us about the expression “fight or flight”, she also teaches us about how the adrenalin released by the brain can turn into stress and anxiety, and gives an example on how one can “turn off” the brain and relax.

I decided early this week that I wanted to feature a HotForWords video this Friday, only problem was, I didn’t know which one. With almost 500 videos it would take me a day to watch them all – so I decided to go with the highest rated video she ever made, Yoga Time!

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TechPatio Is A “Do Follow” Blog – Spreading The Link Love For Free

In case you didn’t know, TechPatio has alwas been a do follow blog. Meaning, if you post a comment on and include the link to your website/blog, you will receive some of the so called “link love” or “link juice”. Often nowadays, blogs are no follow blogs so if you post your link there, … Read more →

Friday Flick Find: David After Dentist

Todays Friday Flick Find video is “David After Dentist”. It features a 7 year old kid who had a tooth removed at the dentist. It’s quite funny and at the same time I can’t help feeling a bit sorry for the kid, but apparently he was fine after just a few hours and later that … Read more →

23 Badly Placed Internet Ads

Most times banner ads are clever enough to display ads relevant to the page you’re reading right now – like if you scroll to the bottom of this post and look for the Google AdSense banner, it will most likely advertise for something related to this post (I wonder what that might be).

But at other times, the banner networks really screw up!! collected 23 Badly Placed Internet Ads that probably never should have been showed…

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Friday Flick Find: The Black Hole

This Friday in “Friday Flick Find” I have a video that some of you might have already seen, but if you haven’t, it’s worth spending three minutes of your life watching it. A sleep-deprived office worker accidentally discovers a black hole – and then greed gets the better of him… Can anyone tell me the … Read more →

Friday Flick Find: Khoda

This is the first video in my “Friday Flick Find”-series, where my goal is to post a great video every Friday. It can be any kind of video but it will be one that I in particular liked in the past week. This week I picked “Khoda”. I like this video because it’s a great … Read more →

What Is Friday Flick Find?

Friday Flick Find at TechPatio is my way of highlighting a video I’ve watched in the past week, that I really liked or found interesting. Note that it’s not Friday Flickr Find, it’s just “Flick”, as in movies… So watch this category, Friday Flick Find, I will post my first entry tomorrow. It’s an amazing … Read more →

A Day At The Patio – Attacked By Flying Bugs, I Wonder What Kind?

P1050357I’ve spent most of my Sunday out on the patio relaxing, enjoying the sun and so on. When suddenly the peace was interrupted by a flying monster, yelling out “mayday, mayday” as he approached my sunbed at an unbelievable speed and without any sign of stability at all – like if he had lost a wing or something.


Right there, next to my sunbed, was this huge bug on his back trying to get back on his feet and take off again. Well, to be honest, it was probably only around 1.5″ long or something like that, though I’m not sure what kind of bug this actually is, any ideas?). He buzzed around for a few minutes when I decided to go grab my camera and shoot a few close-up pictures of the beast, just in case he transformed into something really scary, I would need pictures to prove what I saw. It didn’t, though.

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How to make the perfect Cappuccino, or: How I learned to stop worrying and making my own cappuccino

Apple logo foamHave you ever wondered how the restaurants made your cappuccino? Because I have, so I decided to go out and buy some rather cheap espresso machine with a steam wand, just to try it out myself. I like coffee and cappuccino, but I prefer to enjoy when I’m out, so when I’m at home, I mostly drink sometimes in the mornings or in the evenings if I feel like making one.

Here’s how I make a cappuccino, as good as possible, with the equipment I have to my disposal:

1: If possible, use a metal pitcher. Make sure to chill it first, this will better the foam.

2: Fill metal pitcher with “half a mug” of fresh whole milk, that hasn’t been steamed before. For my cappuccinos, I use 2 espresso shots, which equals pretty much 1 coffee cup. I’ll be using the same amount of milk, as the 2 espresso shots – and then pour it together in a mug afterwards.

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What does a 13 year old do with an 80’s Walkman?

Quite an interesting experiment, and funny too. BBC gave a 13 year old kid a Sony Walkman, as it appeared when it was first released almost 30 years ago. The Walkman was a complete stranger to the kid, which resulted in some funny observations. “When I wore it walking down the street or going into … Read more →

"Uncharted" to be made into a movie?

PlayStation 3 game, “Uncharted”, my favourite PS3-game by the way, is looking to become a movie, according to Columbia Pictures, who’s having Kyle Ward write the script. Kyle Ward has also been connected with movies based on “Kane & Lynch”, with Bruce Willis playing one of them, and “Hitman 2”, claims The Hollywood Reporter. It’s … Read more →