Friday Flick Find: The New SLS AMG

Take a good look at this Gullwing, how can it not be the coolest car ever made? I love it and I want one, some day…. I wish! WARNING: Don’t even think of pressing the “play” buttons below, unless you have your speakers turned on!! Find lot’s more videos and pictures (wallpapers) at the official … Read more →

Televisions [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for, oh I don’t know how many years now, you must have noticed how almost everybody … Read more →

Apple Q1 2010 Financial Statement: Fantastic Result!

Bad news first: The only bad thing to report from Apple’s Q1 earnings 2010 was a decrease in iPod sales by 8%, but still a total of 21 million iPod’s sold in Apple’s Q1 fiscal year (which is actually Q4 of 2009). The good news: Apple sold 8.7 million iPhones during that quarter, an increase … Read more →

Avatar 3D – The Hardware Behind The Movie

Most of you are probably aware of James Cameron’s latest creation, Avatar, and some of you might also have watched it in 3D. If you haven’t, go do it before it’s too late, it’s really a great movie, despite the story not being the most original. The company behind the graphics in Avatar is Weta … Read more →

France Joins Germany In I.E. Warning – Opera Downloads Increases

BBC News reports that France has now joined Germany in their warning against web users browsing with Internet Explorer and also recommends users to find an alternative Internet browser until Microsoft has issued a patch to fix the security hole in the three Internet Explorer browsers. While a switch to an alternative browser, such as … Read more →

Cardboard Computer Goes Into Production

Recompute has created a computer where the casing is made out of cardboard. The company announced on their Twitter recently that the cardboard computer can be ordered already now, even though expected delivery and price is not yet official. Apparently, by making the computer casing out of cardboard, they reduce the amount of material not … Read more →

Classic Menu For Word & Excel 2007 [Sponsored Post]

This is a sponsored post, paid for by ReviewMe. All views expressed in this post are mine and are not influenced by the fact that I have been paid to write this. Do you remember the first time you launched either Word or Excel of Microsoft Office 2007? What was the first thing you noticed … Read more →