Steve Ballmer Compliments Apple On The iPhone !!!

This is almost breaking news, because when Apple announced the iPhone, Steve Ballmer laughed at it. Now, a different choice of words are coming out of Steve Ballmer’s mouth, about the iPhone, when he said at a speech at the University of Washington: “Apple’s done a very nice job that allows people to monetize and … Read more →

Charlie Miller: Snow Leopard Easier To Hack Than Windows 7

Apple fanbois, you better buckle up, cause when the anti-Apple crew gets a hold of this little titbit from Charlie Miller, they might mock your choice of being a Mac user just a little bit. Italian IT Security site, oneITsecurity, published an interview with Charlie Miller, two-year contest champion at Pwn2Own where the deal is … Read more →

Windows 7 Resulted In More Satisfied Users Than Snow Leopard

Both Microsoft and Apple released their newest operating systems in 2009 and according to a British opinion survey by YouGov, Microsoft’s operating system was the software users were most satisfied with. YouGov followed the “satisfaction rating” for Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard for the past 6 months. A group of users … Read more →

Friday Flick Find: Microsoft App Lab & Apple On Windows 7’s Broken Promises

I think it’s safe to say that we’re in a “Microsoft week” this week, with the release of Windows 7 and the Windows 7 Whopper, Bing getting Twitter and Facebook search indexing access and probably a whole lot more that I didn’t pay attention to since I’m more to the other side of the force … Read more →